Author Topic: Jobless claims rise to highest level since January amid higher interest rates  (Read 1424 times)

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Jobless claims rise to highest level since January amid higher interest rates
Zachary Halaschak
April 4, 2024 10:36 am

The number of new applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly increased by 9,000 to 212,000 last week, the highest level since January.

The reading marks the highest number of jobless claims in months and shows the labor market might be taking on a bit of water as the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates high and teases another upward rate revision.

Jobless claims are seen as a proxy for layoffs — if more people are claiming unemployment insurance, it suggests workers are getting laid off. The new numbers are in line with some expectations the labor market will soften.

Still, despite the uptick, jobless claims are still relatively low, suggesting underlying strength in the labor market.

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Offline libertybele

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Jobless claims are relatively low? I think that's a big of a stretch.  Inflation is only going to continue to rise and Joe's energy policies are going to further kill the economy.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2024, 06:28:21 pm by libertybele »
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Have they blamed Trump yet?
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