Author Topic: Report: White House Using 4-Part Plan to Overthrow Netanyahu  (Read 1755 times)

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Report: White House Using 4-Part Plan to Overthrow Netanyahu
« on: April 04, 2024, 12:19:28 am »
Report: White House Using 4-Part Plan to Overthrow Netanyahu

Joel B. Pollak 3 Apr 2024

The Biden White House is attempting to overthrow the elected government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, using a four-part plan that reportedly involves the United Nations and left-wing activists in Israel.

The report, published by columnist Caroline Glick at the Jewish News Syndicate, cites text messages from activist Ami Dror, which were first reported by Israel’s Channel 14, the equivalent of Fox News in the local Israeli media.

Glick wrote:

    Based on what he referred to as a conversation with his contacts in the White House, Dror set out in granular detail the White House’s four-part plan to overthrow the government. The components involved actions on the ground in Gaza; the use of the U.N. Security Council; extortion of government ministers; and mass protests.


    In his words, “Government ministers are receiving messages from ‘American friends’ that they will be accused of war crimes. Under our radar, the U.S. and the E.U. have framed the hunger in northern Gaza as a war crime. This is an excuse for seizing control over the territory from Israel (parachuting food continuously, including by the German military, and building a port), but the words “potential indictment” for all members of the government of destruction is the clincher. How does it work? There are many members of the government that don’t want to lose their physical or economic freedom. The immediate targets are [billionaire Economy Minister Nir] Barkat (by freezing assets and turning the millionaire into a wanted man) [and] the Haredi parties … they and their communities worldwide have many properties. … Ministers in the government will become potential fugitives if they don’t enable the formation of a government without Kahanists. … Don’t be surprised if [Shas party leader Aryeh] Deri and [Agudat Israel head Minister Yitzhak] Goldknopf bring down the government soon. The Hareidi draft is just an excuse—their Hareidi cronies in America don’t want to get in trouble with Uncle Sam.”


    “And the most important thing? Us, and President Biden’s request from us: The American method of dealing with misbehaving states, includes the destruction (economic and legal) that is centered on the leadership on the one hand, and driving a wedge between “the nation,” and “the leadership.” In our case … for this to work—the nation of Israel must show (in the streets!) that it is fighting the leadership. … The American administration needs to see the nation in Israel fighting the government of Israel.”

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