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Gold Price

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Freakin' Gold is up to $2287/oz at this exact moment!!!!!!!!!

This sudden basic subtle currency devaluation of  is a flashing danger sign of the effects of inlflation aand wreckless fiscal policy.

And barely being covered by the media.  Next step?  Watch for hperinflation


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on April 02, 2024, 03:07:24 pm ---

Freakin' Gold is up to $2287/oz at this exact moment!!!!!!!!!

This sudden basic subtle currency devaluation of  is a flashing danger sign of the effects of inlflation aand wreckless fiscal policy.

And barely being covered by the media.  Next step?  Watch for hperinflation

--- End quote ---

I saw that

And both sides in this presidential campaign are eager to dismiss discussions regarding the unsustainable fiscal and monetary policy and its effects


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on April 02, 2024, 03:07:24 pm ---

Freakin' Gold is up to $2287/oz at this exact moment!!!!!!!!!

This sudden basic subtle currency devaluation of  is a flashing danger sign of the effects of inlflation aand wreckless fiscal policy.

And barely being covered by the media.  Next step?  Watch for hperinflation

--- End quote ---

This is huge ... thanks for the info.

Interesting that there are those that think that this country is doing just fine.  *****rollingeyes*****

Not unexpected. It's always been a matter of when and not if.

As for hyperinflation that is going to be a huge problem for many.  We are just keeping it together and I don't look forward to having to stretch dollars even further as they can only be stretched so far.

Hey -- no worries -- on top of that we'll be having to support all the ILLEGALS that Joe let in. 

Can anyone spell economic collapse? Will it be felt globally or will we see a reset as to who the dominant currency is?

Also, would going back to the gold standard at that point in time, be feasible??


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