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Just Look At Kansas

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--- Quote from: roamer_1 on April 14, 2024, 08:33:36 pm ---
Do you really think she's the only one that acts like that? They ALL do. Power does that to everyone. But the press gets Conservatives served up on a plate... They purposefully make the far right look bad, every chance they get. Why that is so glaring is that the press does not go after the rest of em.

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My congresscritter is Andy Bigg.  He comes to our LD and speaks and he is sharp, level-headed, funny (seriously...he's got a great sense of humor), and informative.  He's not the firebreathing ignorant twit that is Lb or MTG.


--- Quote from: HikerGuy83 on April 15, 2024, 05:30:55 am ---My congresscritter is Andy Bigg.  He comes to our LD and speaks and he is sharp, level-headed, funny (seriously...he's got a great sense of humor), and informative.  He's not the firebreathing ignorant twit that is Lb or MTG.

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Then consider yourself lucky. I am utterly unimpressed by the shape of oratory prowess these days. None hold me breathless. None inspire to greatness. All are mundane, with the appeal of a poor car salesman.

That is likely an offshoot of the poor state of storytelling, but I digress...

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: roamer_1 on April 15, 2024, 05:43:58 pm ---Then consider yourself lucky. I am utterly unimpressed by the shape of oratory prowess these days. None hold me breathless. None inspire to greatness. All are mundane, with the appeal of a poor car salesman.

That is likely an offshoot of the poor state of storytelling, but I digress...

--- End quote ---

Biggs is very good.  I have met him on several occasions.  My rep is Paul Gosar, also good.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on April 15, 2024, 05:43:58 pm ---Then consider yourself lucky. I am utterly unimpressed by the shape of oratory prowess these days. None hold me breathless. None inspire to greatness. All are mundane, with the appeal of a poor car salesman.

That is likely an offshoot of the poor state of storytelling, but I digress...

--- End quote ---

Don't get me wrong.  I like Bigg more because he is informative about what is going on. 

I feel bad because sometimes when he is talking I can see a sadness in his face. 

But he's also entertaining.  Sometimes it's just him blowing off steam....but it's funny.

Sam Brownback never looked better than an eighth grader on drugs when talking. 

It was painful to watch.


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