Author Topic: Isle of Wight families struggle with soaring heating costs in ‘eco-friendly’ homes  (Read 1318 times)

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Isle of Wight families struggle with soaring heating costs in ‘eco-friendly’ homes
MARCH 28, 2024
By Paul Homewood

“Angry and frustrated” parents say their young children are going cold as heating costs on an Isle of Wight housing estate skyrocket to ‘unaffordable’ rates.

Residents of Bluebell Meadows and St George’s Gate claim they have been ‘lied to’ and feel ‘let down’, having been promised cheap bills and houses which were economical to run.

Residents faced soaring costs
Despite the estate using a unique biomass heating system — a centralised system which burns wood chippings to provide heat and hot water to homes — those living there say they have faced soaring costs in recent months.

Those responsible for the estate — Barratt David Wilson Homes, the Isle of Wight Council and Sovereign Network Group, which together form the Pan Management Company — say the surge in prices “reflect the handover of the biomass centre” to the estate management company.

In a joint statement, they said they were looking at the fuel supply arrangements to try to help reduce costs.
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These guys always think that the BTU value of the fuel, affordability and the ability to have it on demand never matter.

Wood is great on a micro, household scale such as a backwoods homestead, but not nearly has workable for large populations of first world level energy usage.

So unless you get rid of 95% of the existing population, alternatives won't work.  wink777
« Last Edit: March 28, 2024, 08:04:08 pm by Free Vulcan »
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So unless you get rid of 95% of the existing population ...
Say, there's an idea Bill Gates would appreciate!