General Category > Elections 2024

Blundering Biden Campaign Sends Jill Out to Call Florida Republicans Nazis


Blundering Biden Campaign Sends Jill Out to Call Florida Republicans Nazis
Karen Townsend 3:30 PM | March 26, 2024

Jill Biden is increasing her time out on the campaign trail. She was in California over the weekend raising money for her husband's re-election campaign.

Instead of confronting Jill for the elder abuse she inflicts on her husband as his top confidant, and insists he runs for re-election despite advanced age and dementia, Democrats donated to the campaign. Jill's job is to rewrite history and tout the successes of her husband while in the White House. I know. There isn't anything positive to talk about. So, she calls Republicans, especially Florida Republicans, Nazis.

How original.

--- End quote ---

The tickets for that shindig cost up to $100,000 each. She aimed at the Parental Rights in Education Act in Florida, referring to it with the name Democrat activists gave it - the Don't Say Gay Bill. She said it was a step towards dictatorship.

Jill is a teacher, remember, in a Virginia community college, so she is probably in support of keeping parents out of their children's education. She likes to remind teacher union members that they have a friend in the White House because she is a union member, too.

If educators are expressing these opinions in public, what hatred are they spewing in their classrooms?


 :yawn2: :yawn2: :yawn2: :yawn2: :yawn2: :yawn2:

"Republicans are (insert your favorite historical baddie here)"

They don't even have the talent or intelligence to come up with something new

Smokin Joe:
Gee, what a wonderful couple. They deserve each other.

Now, Frau Dokter, go ask the Muslims what they would think of gay porn in their madrassas.


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