Author Topic: James Carville slams wokeness pushed by Democrats as a ‘giant, stupid argument,’ blames ‘preachy fem  (Read 365 times)

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James Carville slams wokeness pushed by Democrats as a ‘giant, stupid argument,’ blames ‘preachy females’
Opinion by Gabriel Hays • 15h •

In an interview with a New York Times columnist, Democratic Party strategist James Carville railed against his party’s pursuit of wokeness, calling it a "giant, stupid argument" that will lead to more Democrat losses in the future.

Published on Saturday, Carville’s interview with Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd covered a wide range of topics but had some notable points slamming the culture of wokeness and censorship coming from modern liberals in politics and the media.

Carville, who Dowd described a "blithely un-P.C," claimed that "no one" wants to live according to woke principles and that they’re a fast track to conservative political victories.

The author described the strategist’s general attitude to far-left identity politics, writing, "He complained that ‘woke stuff is killing us,’ that the left was talking in a language that ordinary Americans did not understand, using terms like ‘Latinx’ and ‘communities of color,’ and with a tone many Americans found sneering."
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
Thomas Jefferson