Absolutely 'hate' Trump because he was born in NY and still retains properties and business there...
I dislike Trump because he heralds NY values then slimes away when called on it. Versus Cruz when called upon his stances Trump changed his NY values to just an attack on NY citizens... Instead of manning up to his own words, he (with help of the Fox debate team) totally destroyed a self confession of NY liberalism.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHAHKGP10ycI could care less where he lived.
Don't like the way that he looks...
Odd wasn't it Trump that made fun of others ... DeSantis height, Jeff Sessions southern drawl, McCain because he was caught. I personally have said over and over, I could care less how someone looks and I even said I would not join in on making fun of Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. I would vote for a Christian Conservative midget over Trump.
Don't like the way that he talks...
That is fair game, it is fruits beyond the previous "way he looks"... I cringe as you admitted doing. I am probable the least well spoken person at TBR... and yet I cringe. Half due to knowing what he is saying is BS, half to how childish he sounds.
Wish that he was more (book) scholarly and often quoted the Founders or their resources such as Locke and Montesquieu...
Again, nothing wrong with judging here. Perhaps if he wasn't a democrat for more than 9/10ths of his life, he would have read something more than what people think of him in People magazine.
Wish that he focused his attacks and venom on the particular segment of the US population that you have the most issues with...
Who wouldn't want a President that didn't spend his life adding the culture rot by supporting it (Gay/Trans issues). Someone that didn't appoint gay judges the California's 9th circuit. Who wouldn't want a President that didn't condone Abortion by saying it was a NY values issue instead of a human life. Again, I want a conservative, not a populist that has been firmly in the camp of the enemy most his life (and only feigns being out of it now). Who wouldn't want a person that understands America can not borrow it's way out of debt without killing future generations with crushing debt. Core conservative principles just tossed out because of better than the alternative. How is it better?
Can't let go of the fact that he vanquished your chosen candidate in 2016 or 2024...
That does hurt, how could it not. Everyone should have a list of acceptable and not acceptable people come election time. I sure most folks do, just my list is more refined, but several candidates passed the mustard, Trump didn't come close. Give me a real conservative that doesn't want to ban guns like Trump ... and proved it by banning bump stocks and agreeing with democrats against the NRA several times.
Are angry that he doesn't focus in on the particular issue (and we have more 'issues' than you may imagine) that you believe to be the root of all of the problems...
The root of the problem is Americans don't focus on electing good candidates because they no longer are Christian... as my tag line suggests. V V V V (I don't have an arrow down key so cheating using the Vee Key).
Long post and I am not known for doing long replies (this was long for me)... I will just stop here.