Author Topic: Judge allows GOP firebrands to sue two cities in deep-blue state for violating their free speech rig  (Read 907 times)

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Judge allows GOP firebrands to sue two cities in deep-blue state for violating their free speech rights

A federal judge on Friday allowed a lawsuit from Reps. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to proceed against two California cities that canceled their rallies in 2021.

In a 22-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Hernan Vera said there is adequate evidence to suggest the GOP lawmakers have a legitimate claim against officials in Anaheim and Riverside, Calif., who shut down their events. But the judge castigated the two firebrands for alleging that a handful of liberal nonprofits had colluded with the cities to violate their free speech rights.

The lawsuit had "numerous fatal deficiencies," according to the judge. "Chief among them is the complete lack of any alleged facts to support a ‘meeting of the minds’ as required for a conspiracy claim."

Gaetz and Greene had planned America First rallies in Anaheim and Riverside in 2021, but both venues in both cities canceled the events after they faced pressure from activist groups and local government officials. The lawsuit, filed last year, alleges their First Amendment rights were violated after the cities coerced the private venues to cancel the rallies, including a threat to revoke one venue's permit.

The GOP lawmakers sued, along with their funding committees. They want the court to issue an injunction that would ban cities from "coercing private venues from entering into facilities use contracts with Plaintiffs for future political rallies." They also requested damages for emotional distress...............
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