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Firebrand Democrat strategist James Carville says Biden's poll numbers are as bad as seeing your gra

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cato potatoe:

Carvil is a coward.  He knows all too well that a tiny, tiny group of liberal insane have absconded with his party, and he is afraid to say BO!!!

Fact is, the embrace of the whole transgender nonsense is destroying the Democrat Party.  Amen!!!

Frankly, the teachers and admin folks in schools encouraging children to elect the opposite sex, in my humble opinion, what they are doing is worse than sexually assaulting children.  If I had my way, every last one of them would be indicted, convicted and dispatched.  These cretins are scum.  And they have no business being within a mile of children.

But Carvil will not speak out loudly about these degenerates.  And the many other degenerates that have taken over the party.

If Carvil were smart, he would sit down with RFK Jr. and encourage him to come out loudly against all the insanity endorsed by the Democommies, who are in fact out to destroy the USA.   If RFK Jr. came out supporting the end of the H1-b Visa Program, and condemned Trump's betrayal of American white collar workers by increasing the H1-b Visa recipients after promising to end it DAY ONE, he would get conservative voters.  ALso, if he said he would get the money to finish the wall on our southern border, another instance where Trump failed the blue collar, he would get more conservative votes.  And like I said, if he said the Democrat Party needs to end the catering to the most degenerate of our society, he would get moderates Democrats to vote for him.  He must condemn Biden emphatically as having destroyed our economy, making it as bad as the Carter economy.  He does all that, and he becomes a player in this election.

So Carvil has a choice, to help someone who might be a rational candidate, or he can sit on the sidelines and wish Wrecking Ball Joe comes to his senses, something that will NEVER happen.

 :yowsa: :yowsa: :yowsa:


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