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Biden Democrats break with Israel
« on: March 22, 2024, 03:43:35 pm »
Biden Democrats break with Israel
Hugo Gurdon
March 21, 2024 9:00 pm

When America won the Cold War, some Democrats suddenly found it expedient to pretend they’d always supported America’s efforts to break the totalitarian grip of the Soviet empire. But it wasn’t true.

Anti-Americanism, poisoning the Democratic Party from the late 1960s onward, meant its adherents increasingly opposed U.S. global leadership and equivocated about the horrors of what President Ronald Reagan, with moral clarity, dubbed the “Evil Empire.”

Most Democrats concealed their fellow-traveling more than, say, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who vacationed in Moscow. But many were evasive about where they judged good and evil to lie in that conflict. This attitude became difficult to sustain when East Germans breached the Iron Curtain fleeing leftist oppression for Western freedom. Democrats tiptoed quickly away from ideological ground that had become politically untenable.

A similarly vast gulf is evident today between what Democrats say and what they believe in another key area of foreign policy. Indeed, it might be regarded as the central moral issue of American international relations, as the Cold War was last century. But the Democrats’ problem isn’t Russia anymore — it is Israel. President Joe Biden and his underlings say they’re staunch defenders of Israel’s democratic light in the Middle East’s engulfing darkness, but actions and rhetoric suggest otherwise.

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