Author Topic: Gov. DeSantis signs bill to restrict homeless encampments in Florida  (Read 6374 times)

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Gov. DeSantis signs bill to restrict homeless encampments in Florida

 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Wednesday that bans homeless people from setting up tents or sleeping in public spaces, as he compared the issue of homelessness to the chaos of spring break.

 "Ultimately the issue with spring break plays into the issue of these homeless encampments," DeSantis told reporters , as he signed the bill that will take effect Oct. 1.

"We have to govern this state and our communities with an eye towards what's in the best interest of the law-abiding citizen ... too often people in other states, other cities, they're not doing well. It's like they let the inmates run the asylum," DeSantis said.

The bill, HB 1365 , requires cities and counties to move people sleeping on city streets, sidewalks and parks into shelters or government encampments.

Public camping, according to the bill, is defined as "residing overnight in a temporary outdoor habitation used as a dwelling or living space and evidenced by the erection of a tent or other temporary shelter, the presence of bedding or pillows, or the storage of personal belongings."

The shelters and camps would be required to provide running water, restrooms, addiction treatment and mental-health services.

"We've seen the homeless population throughout the country grow between 2019 and 2022 by 3%," DeSantis said. "Over that period of time, Florida's population of homeless declined by 11%." ................
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