State Chapters > State Politics/Government

Washington Supreme Court Rules Bar Exam Negatively Impacts Minorities, Will No Longer Require It For

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--- Quote from: DB on May 16, 2024, 03:07:20 pm ---The standard is the lowest common denominator. Participation trophies was its forerunner.

The country cannot survive it.

--- End quote ---

Which was, and is, the intent!


--- Quote from: The_Reader_David on May 16, 2024, 02:48:21 pm ---Looks like we need a SCOTUS decision to do away with the absurd notion the disparate impact is proof of invidious discrimination, or this nonsense will continue spreading.  (I've always wanted to ask people who take that position, who is being oppressed to cause people of East African descent to dominate elite long-distance running?)

--- End quote ---


The current war on value, virtue, reason and logic will ultimately result in the destruction of human civilization. That is its goal, and its only possible outcome.

That is: unless our civilization is willing, and still able to fight back.

And I do mean fight. 

We have passed the time and fruitless effort of reasoning with savages, and make no mistake: they are savages, and they are winning.


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