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MSNBC's Symone Sanders Warns: If Trump Wins, Women Will Dress Like Handmaids

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Seriously, y'all. Can these people get anymore ridiculous?! What concerns me is that their base is equally as stupid. They want to find outlandish things to believe about Trump, Republicans and us. This is when I wish there were a test voters had to pass to qualify to vote. They really should know a little something about something to exercise that privilege.

There used to be a video (which I can't find now) that showed how profoundly ignorant Obama voters were. They were being interviewed after casting their vote. It was cringy. It was full of this kind of junk that they truly believed was true. I can't remember much about it, but I do remember that one woman was asked a "who-said-that" question. She answered Sarah Palin or some other Republican that the left loves to ridicule. When the interviewer showed her that it was Barack Obama, she was surprised. Even disappointed. Even so, she was proud of her political choices, so the truth had no impact on her at all. 


--- Quote from: AllThatJazzZ on March 18, 2024, 03:07:42 am ---
There used to be a video (which I can't find now) that showed how profoundly ignorant Obama voters were. They were being interviewed after casting their vote. It was cringy. It was full of this kind of junk that they truly believed was true. I can't remember much about it, but I do remember that one woman was asked a "who-said-that" question. She answered Sarah Palin or some other Republican that the left loves to ridicule. When the interviewer showed her that it was Barack Obama, she was surprised. Even disappointed. Even so, she was proud of her political choices, so the truth had no impact on her at all.

--- End quote ---

Found it. I conflated some things, but I got the gist of it.

So the lefty dim women want to play Halloween every day.  I hope they do.  Easier to spot and avoid 'em

We have Trump saying we probably won’t have elections going forward if he doesn’t win. I’ve seen posters here claim America is finished if Trump doesn’t win

Whoopi Goldberg scolded poor people who are concerned about inflation that they should be more concerned about being put on camps if Trump wins.

We have this idiot making this claim if Trump wins and she probably believes it

Both sides are making wild claims if the other side wins

Meanwhile, inflation ticked up last month, our border is still broken, SS and Medicare are still facing insolvency, the president just presented a 7.3 trillion, thats with a T, spending plan that Trump is in no position to make an issue of, ect ect

And some here still can’t understand why some of us refuse to vote for either of these two

Oh well, maybe we can debate and address these long term issues endangering the country in the 2028 presidential campaign without the fear mongering and hyperbole


Only the ugly women.  Fugly women will be forced to wear burkas.


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