State Chapters > California

Democrats losing their hold on California and California losing its hold on America

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Democrats losing their hold on California and California losing its hold on America
Michael Barone
March 13, 2024 12:41 pm

Last week’s Super Tuesday results ensured the renominations of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, barring some unanticipated adverse health events. So, which one is going to win in November?

Polls give us clues. Trump continues to have the small but persistent lead in public polls he has maintained since November 2023 — in contrast to the 2016 and 2020 cycles, in which he often trailed in national and target state polls.

But polls are only one indicator. Actual votes are another. And we’ve had one contest this year that provides important clues to the November vote: the California primary.

Californian primary voters, like those in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas, have voted not just for president but also for members of Congress and (in North Carolina) governor and statewide officials. Those contests may draw turnout from voters with little motivation to participate in seemingly already-decided presidential primaries.

Dems have hold on Massachusetts, but California doesn't.  Cali is too West Coast.

Paradise Lost.

A place that used to be viewed with wonderment, awe and envy, is now one of pity, derision and ridicule.

Trump win here in '24?  Is that a joke?  Last RCP view has Biden up  18 in CA.

PeteS in CA:
WRT Trump, he got ~1/3  (33.33...%) of CA's vote in 2016 and 2020. He may do better, because of the realities of Biden, but I would be VERY surprised if he gets more than 40% of CA's 2024 vote.

WRT DiFei's former Senate seat, it was a mild surprise that an R will be on my November ballot, Steve Garvey (the other candidate will be Schifftyroo). For all of Schifftyroo's lying and crazy, I would still be very surprised if Garvey wins (he MIGHT get a little over 45% at best would be my optimistic guess).

I haven't been represented in the legislature or Congress for decades. My "choices" for the Assembly were probably-reliably-Prog Dems and a Dem-Lite alleged R (Pro-Abortion and -same-sex "marriage", and Warmista); I left that race blank on my ballot.

The political pendulum might be swinging back from crazy-left, but it's not gone far, IMO.

cato potatoe:
It won't be competitive, at least not unless it hits rock bottom like Argentina.  Too many normies aged or moved out, replaced by first generation migrants and a menagerie of oddballs from other states.


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