Author Topic: (READ) Trump letter to prosecutor Alvin Bragg re: alleged prosecutorial misconduct  (Read 1304 times)

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(READ) Trump letter to prosecutor Alvin Bragg re: alleged prosecutorial misconduct
By Sharyl Attkisson | March 4, 2024

Donald Trump is one of the most important political figures of the day and, arguably, the most important Republican in national politics. But many in the media have taken the historic step of censoring him. For that reason, one of our goals is to publish information about Trump that is otherwise difficult-to-find.

Via Email
District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr.
New York County District Attorney’s Office 1 Hogan Place
New York, New York 10013

Re: Prosecutorial Misconduct Concerning Michael Cohen And Allen H. Weisselberg

Dear District Attorney Bragg:

We write regarding ongoing prosecutorial misconduct in connection with the prosecution of President Donald J. Trump—in violation of the federal and state constitutions and your ethical obligations—concerning DANY’s simultaneous (1) decision to turn a blind eye to the admitted and repeated perjury of your star witness, Michael Cohen; and (2) vindictive and oppressive pressure and plea negotiations leading, today, to a forced-upon guilty plea for 2 counts of perjury by Allen H. Weisselberg. This conduct by DANY was obviously part of an effort to impact the outcome of the flawed proceedings in People by James v. Trump and/or Mr. Weisselberg’s role at trial in People v. Trump, although he does not as of now appear on any witness list. DANY’s conscious choice to ignore obvious and admitted criminal conduct by Cohen and to instead deploy unethical, strong-armed tactics against an innocent man in his late 70s underscores the irresponsibility of your conduct in office. Indeed, while you waste public resources in a desperate attempt to impede President Trump’s ongoing ascent to the White House, in violation of applicable prosecutorial guidelines prohibiting such election interference, you regularly and repeatedly allow those guilty of brutal attacks on law enforcement and murderers to roam free. This dereliction of duty renders you fully unfit to serve as District Attorney, and exposes innocent citizens, like Mr. Weisselberg, to irreparable and life-altering harm.

Today, your office has forced Mr. Weisselberg into pleading guilty to nonexistent perjury offenses by threatening him with years in state prison should he not succumb to your demands. As we understand it, your prosecutors presented Mr. Weisselberg with an impossible choice: (1) plead guilty to perjury crimes he did not commit in exchange for another relatively short stint in prison, or (2) face arrest and incarceration, as well as the risk that an unsuccessful effort to fight the unwarranted charges will result in yet another draconian sentence by Judge Merchan.1 Indeed, to compel a plea today to drummed-up charges of which a jury would never convict, we understand DANY threatened to file a sham indictment against Mr. Weisselberg and then to immediately ask Judge Merchan to violate Mr. Weisselberg, who is on probation, risking further jail time even

1 See, e.g., N.Y. Rules of Prof’l Conduct Rule 8.4, Note 5A (explaining that “harassment in the practice of law” can “undermine confidence in the legal profession and the legal system”).

though he is, in fact, innocent of any crime. Such tactics have no place in our American justice system, and you should be alarmed by and ashamed of this tyrannical conduct.
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
Thomas Jefferson