Author Topic: Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails  (Read 2432 times)

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Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails
The Telegraph (U.K.) via MSN
 Daniel Martin
5 March 2024
Doctors on a leading transgender healthcare body have admitted that patients have developed cancer owing to the effects of hormone treatment.

Leaked emails show other medical professionals admitting that trans patients do not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment.

The cache of files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets guidelines that have influenced NHS treatment, show that doctors are carrying out life-changing surgery and prescribing puberty blockers even though they are aware the adults and children may not fully understand the long term ramifications.

One doctor talked about a transgender person who died of cancer as a result of his hormone treatment.

“I have one transition friend/colleague who, after about eight to 10 years of [testosterone] developed hepatocarcinoma [a form of liver cancer],” the doctor wrote. ...

Another said they would go ahead with a double mastectomy (called “top surgery”) on a 16-year-old girl even though hormones had likely given her liver cancer.

“The oncologist and surgeon both have indicated that the likely offending agent(s) are the hormones,” the doctor wrote. “We are prepared to support the patient in any way we can (e.g. top surgery when medically stable, etc).” ...
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Offline Polly Ticks

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Wow.  I am shocked that this article came from a mainstream media source.
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Online mountaineer

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Wow.  I am shocked that this article came from a mainstream media source.

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Last year, the mother of a transgender reality TV star, Jazz Jennings, triggered a controversy after she described waking Jazz up in the middle of the night to address medical complications from genital surgery.

I was shocked by the clip but didn’t think much about it afterward. In truth, I didn’t want to think more about it.

But then someone gave me internal discussion files of an organization called WPATH, which stands for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. We released those files, all 170 pages, yesterday.

What they show is the widespread medical mistreatment of children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults. They show that WPATH members and gender medicine practitioners aren’t getting informed consent from their patients. ...

Offline The_Reader_David

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Wow.  I am shocked that this article came from a mainstream media source.

The Telegraph is a Tory paper (in the UK they never fell for the delusion that center-left bias is the same as objectivity the way Americans did for decades from about the mid-1960's until sometime in the 1980's, and have identifiably partisan newspapers of all sorts), so I'm not sure it counts as "mainstream media" in the American sense.  The Telegraph has been supportive of J.K. Rowling since the gender ideologues created a row about her belief in the reality of biological sex, and has reported forthrightly about the Tavistock Clinics' mistreatment of gender-confused youth for a long time. The sourcing is hardly a surprise.

I guess it is a surprise the MSN picked it up.  Probably they haven't honed their algorithm for picking news from overseas papers well enough to make sure no real news slips through.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2024, 12:51:38 pm by The_Reader_David »
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this was all about.

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What? You mean screwing with people's hormones to resist the natural, healthy body development can cause cancer? No way!!!
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