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‘White rural voters’ are now a threat to democracy; new racist narrative pushes trashing of Whites

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--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on March 22, 2024, 04:40:52 pm ---There are plenty of bigots of all races, religions, and genders in the cities and in the suburbs.

Rich white suburban bigots use zoning laws, conservation laws, and traffic laws to discriminate.  Instead of using the N word, they use a lawsuit to do their talking.

--- End quote ---

As a matter of fact, I have not experienced the bigotry - the visceral racism of my youth since I departed the city. A wee bit toward injuns - But that particular to rez injuns - and that not always fair. But by and large, rural folks run on individual merit, and are too close to the bone to reject help and community from anyone able of mind, body, or spirit, according to anything so mundane as the color of one's skin.

I cry bullshit. From KC Missouri, across the most of the midwest and up the spine of the Rockies... I've been all over it, and found very little.


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