Author Topic: Internal Pentagon review finds no ‘ill intent’ during Austin’s hospitalization  (Read 651 times)

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 Internal Pentagon review finds no ‘ill intent’ during Austin’s hospitalization
by Ellen Mitchell - 02/26/24 3:51 PM ET

The Pentagon on Monday released the results of a 30-day review that found no attempt to hide Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s secret hospitalizations in December and January, effectively absolving officials of any wrongdoing.

Although a brief, unclassified summary of the review found processes could be improved, “nothing examined during this review demonstrated any indication of ill intent or an attempt to obfuscate” the transfer of authority during Austin’s hospitalizations, according to the document.

The rest of the review, which was carried out by Defense Department (DOD) officials, remains classified.

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Translation: "We investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong."

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