Author Topic: Will The Democrats Let Donald Trump Be President If He Wins? Kurt Schlichter  (Read 163 times)

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Will The Democrats Let Donald Trump Be President If He Wins?
Kurt Schlichter

The Supreme Court will not throw Donald Trump off the ballot through some sort of deus ex MSNBCmachina, and Trump’s polls are improving while President Crusty’s are getting worse, so we face the real possibility of Donald Trump winning the presidency. Obviously, it’s not a done deal, but it is a bigger possibility than it used to be. Well, the Democrats are facing it, and now they’re trying to figure out how to stop him from taking office if and when he wins the election.

This is a really bad idea.

But of course, the Democrat Party is the Party of Bad Ideas, and the Party of Nanny Fascism. And it is also remarkably free of any recognition of its own hypocrisy. It’s become popular to say that the issue is not hypocrisy but hierarchy, and that the Democrats feel entitled to do whatever they want. They don’t want Trump to be president, so what are they going to do about it?

Whatever they have to do to hold power.

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