GTHawk --
I skimmed through the entire video you posted above.
I will assume the vessels nearby the cruise ship are Houthi gunboats.
And I'll ask a question:
Why... at the end of this video... are all the boats still afloat?
I saw NOTHING that appeared to be a solid death blow to any of those vessels.
If anything, these "hits" -- apparently smallish rockets fired from the helicopters we see flying in the video (U.S., I would supposed) are intended to be "baby slaps" and not much more.
Why didn't they send in a sub or jet with REAL torpedos and/or bombs to deliver a "World War II" style blow to those enemy vessels?
This was all pretty much for show, i.e., we're slapping you, but letting you get away.
That cruise ship should have disappeared under one or two Arizona-style bombs.
But again... at the end of the video, it's still floating straight on the water with a little smoke coming out.
The United States isn't going to win any "war" with the Houthis this way.
I challenge any and all members of this forum with military experience to refute what I've posted above.