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PROOF: Documents from FDA, Pfizer show that COVID “vaccine” shedding is REAL

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--- Quote from: DB on February 27, 2024, 06:56:28 pm ---People are living the consequences now. There needs to be a reckoning of what was done.

--- End quote ---

Absolutely and that information needs to be made known to the public.

PeteS in CA:

--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on February 27, 2024, 04:18:55 pm ---It's 2024.  We've reached herd immunity.  Those who believe in Covid shots get them.  Those who don't believe in Covid shots.

It's not 2020 anymore.  Get some new material that's relevant to the present.

--- End quote ---

Anti-Covid-vaxxers don't have "new material that's relevant to the present". They don't have the hundreds of thousands or millions of excess dead bodies to prove their The Vaccine is deadly narrative, so they've recycled their 2021 or 2022 The Vaccine recipients are shedding Covid spikes falsehood, hoping people forget it's an old false claim.

Will the The Vaccine contains hydras absurdity-claim be recycled next?

Or maybe the The Vaccine contains microchips absurdity, or the sludge-blood absurdity.

The spikes falsehood, the hydras absurdity, the microchips absurdity, and the sludge blood absurdity have all been posted on TBR as serious claims. At some point in looking at a pile of pig manure one realizes it would be stupid to dig through it hoping to find a slab of bacon. Anti-Covid-vaxxers' claims are a rancid pile of pig manure.

Smokin Joe:
Nice opinion, there @PeteS in CA

Yes, there has been some hyperbole, based on paranoia or contaminants in some lots of the jabs. There has also been a significant increase in VAERS reports vs other vaccines for the COVID shots.

That doesn't have to amount to millions of bodies right away, as many of those adverse effects are not immediately life-ending, even if they are life altering or life shortening, but hey, they could be run over by a bus tomorrow, right?

Still, where is your evidence that all is normal (not 'new' normal) as you attest repeatedly, not just your personal experience, as noted, often, but something based on a more complete dataset?

Because if you are applying the standard that some hyperbole or inaccuracy in one small part of someone reporting on what a primary source said, third hand, renders all inaccurate, all I have to offer is the claims that the shots were '95% effective', were 'safe and effective', and that the masks and standing six feet away were going to 'flatten the curve' against a 'natural' (not lab created) pathogen.

Peer reviewed, please, w/sources--I have provided mine all along.


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