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Today's Toons 2/23/24

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This Thread Brought To You By The Letter P:

In Case You Missed It Dept.:

--- End quote ---

Stair Force One- it's long overdue (video)

9 Items Conservatives Must Stockpile To Protect Themselves In Case Biden Wins

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Left's 20 New Rules

McConnell, Schumer unite under MUGA (Make Ukraine Great Again) banner to combat MAGA

Biden Says He Can't Remember A Single Time When His Memory Has Failed Him

Kamala Harris Moves To Second Place In 'Worst Diversity Hire Of All Time'

(Thank you, New Cruelty)

Thanks for the laughs this week, Pookie. Have a restful weekend.


--- Quote from: deb on February 23, 2024, 12:43:36 pm ---Thanks for the laughs this week, Pookie. Have a restful weekend.

--- End quote ---

You're welcome & the same to you, Deb!

Polly Ticks:
Thanks, Pookie.


Made me laugh. Biden is older than my grandfather's father.
He is from a different century. And absolutely yes, he was involved with the KKK.
He may take me out behind the "woodshed" for my Malarkey. Or maybe he will not let me listen to the phonograph?
Boy howdie! That 'radio' thing is some contraption! I like listening to the shadow knows.


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