Author Topic: WATCH: Insane Amount of Edits in Pre-Recorded Joe Biden Video Raises Eyebrows - and Questions  (Read 595 times)

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Offline mystery-ak

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WATCH: Insane Amount of Edits in Pre-Recorded Joe Biden Video Raises Eyebrows - and Questions
By Sister Toldjah | 4:34 PM on February 21, 2024

Though judging by the polling it has been obvious for years to many Americans that President Joe Biden's age and fitness to lead are cause for concern, the release of the Hur report was sort of an "elephant in the room roars to life" moment for Biden's 2024 reelection campaign as they seek (in vain) to disprove his critics' longstanding observations about his memory issues.

A video shared Tuesday to the official "POTUS" account on the Twitter machine won't help matters.

In the pre-recorded two-minute clip, we see Biden yada yadaing and gesturing about his supposed commitment to America's allies worldwide, and criticizing former President Donald Trump, his likely GOP general election opponent, regarding his recent statements about Russia, the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and how the remarks were, in Biden's view, "so dangerous."


Leaving aside the questionable substance of what Biden said, notice something weird about the video, besides how heavily staged it is?

There were no bouts of confusion. No forgetting what to say. No going off script. Biden kinda sorta sounded... coherent for a change, even if one did disagree with his message.

But there was a reason for it, as was pointed out by Twitter netizens who noted the fact that there were at least 29 cuts to it:

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Offline bigheadfred

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29 cuts in two minutes. SMDH
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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February 22, 2024
A recent Joe Biden promo shows that he’s held together by videotape editing
By Andrea Widburg

The current debate in American politics is a sad one. It’s called “Your candidate is more senile than mine.” However, much as leftists (plus Nikki Haley) try to say that Donald Trump shows the same cognitive decline as Joe Biden, anyone can see that this isn’t true. Trump is the same as he ever was; Joe Biden is being held together by duct tape (or, in his case, carefully edited videotape).

When it comes to Donald Trump, what you see is what you get…and what you’ve always gotten. He is the modern equivalent of Oliver Cromwell’s instruction to Sir Peter Lely, his portrait painter, that the painting should be honest, showing “warts and all.” Trump is now as he always has been.

Trump is a master of puffery (which is not the same, factually or legally, as lying). He speaks discursively, taking an endless amount of time to get to his point, but he always gets there at last. He’s repetitive, which is something a good salesman needs to be. He can speak telegraphically, packing enormous content into short phrases (e.g. “build the wall” became his visually effective shorthand for the problems of illegal immigration and the need for a fix). And he openly and often childishly insults his enemies. Trump is still Trump.

Joe Biden, however, is a shell of himself. Just compare Biden in 2012, a mere 12 years ago, when he was debating Paul Ryan with a recent appearance. In this first video, he’s a bully and a liar who completely intimidates Paul Ryan. Biden’s lack of intelligence shows in the stupid political positions he takes, but he’s totally on the ball:

In this second video, he’s barely sentient:

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Offline Fishrrman

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Heh... how are they going to handle this at the State of the Union speech before Congress?
(I won't be watching, edited or otherwise)

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The Republic is lost.