Author Topic: Biden cannot afford to lose a single Pennsylvania voter..By Salena Zito  (Read 697 times)

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Biden cannot afford to lose a single Pennsylvania voter
Salena Zito
February 21, 2024 3:20 pm

PHILADELPHIA — Northeast Philadelphia native Marc Rayfield is a registered Democrat, considers himself a liberal, and voted for Democrats John Fetterman (for Senate) and Josh Shapiro (for governor) in 2022 and for Joe Biden in 2020. Now, though, he says he finds himself estranged from the party due to rising crime and homelessness in his beloved city of Philadelphia.

Because of his crime concerns, Rayfield is now doing something he thought he’d never do in his life: buying a gun and going to target practice. So is his wife.

“I see what’s taken place in cities across the country,” said Rayfield, who is well respected in the community for his years of volunteer efforts for various Philadelphia organizations. “I travel a lot. I’ve been to every major city in the last year in the country.”

Rayfield is a 60-year-old former executive at CBS News who took the skills he learned in the news business for over three decades into the organic spirit business as an entrepreneur. His new gun decision, he said, was “largely influenced by a lot of the social policies that are really impacting our cities coming out of the death of George Floyd and COVID.”

“We decided, as somebody who had never fired a gun in my life, that it was about time to be open-minded and considerate,” he explained of taking gun safety lessons through a program that uses certified instructors.

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Re: Biden cannot afford to lose a single Pennsylvania voter..By Salena Zito
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2024, 11:44:50 pm »
"Rayfield is a 60-year-old former executive at CBS News..."

I wouldn't believe a word this guy says.
Come November... you KNOW who he'll be voting for.

And it ain't our guy.

(well, maybe, just maybe, he'll vote for RFK Jr.)

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Biden cannot afford to lose a single Pennsylvania voter..By Salena Zito
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2024, 02:45:12 am »
Ms. Zito is the one who, back in 2016, came up with the line that Trump's detractors take him literally, but not seriously, while his supporters take him seriously, not literally.  I thought it was a great insight back then, and still do.

I've wandered off the Trump reservation in part because I think we should take him at his word rather than running it through our own idiosyncratic filters to determine what he "really meant.". Noore grading his stAtement on a curve.

So I now take him both literally and seriously, which is one big really I wasn't vote for him.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 02:52:41 am by Maj. Bill Martin »

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Re: Biden cannot afford to lose a single Pennsylvania voter..By Salena Zito
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2024, 02:53:30 am »
Biden doesn't need Pennsylvania voters.  He needs Pennsylvania ballots.  And there will be plenty of them shipped in from New York on election night.
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