Author Topic: Thousands of migrants in NY quietly collecting ‘welfare’ through Hochul rule change  (Read 2431 times)

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New York Post  By Rich Calder 2/10/2024

The Hochul administration is quietly using taxpayer dollars to gift cash payments to thousands of migrants who don’t qualify for typical welfare assistance, The Post has learned.

The cash windfall was made possible by the state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance modifying its “Safety Net Assistance” program’s eligibility rules in May to include non-citizens with pending applications for legal asylum status.

The announcement was made through an under-the-radar message the agency sent out to social services agencies across the state.

The OTDA declined to reveal how many migrants have received SNA checks, but estimates that 90% of New York’s current migrant population won’t see additional benefits under the rule change.

With more than 173,000 migrants coming to the Big Apple since spring 2022, if only 10% of migrants here are eligible for SNA payments, the number of recipients could exceed 17,000 in NYC alone.


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New York rule change makes thousands of migrants eligible for cash payments
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2024, 04:33:22 pm »
New York rule change makes thousands of migrants eligible for cash payments

The state of New York has been giving cash payments to thousands of migrants who typically would not qualify for the state's welfare program.

Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's administration quietly changed the state's "Safety Net Assistance" program eligibility rules in May to allow non-citizens who have pending applications for asylum to receive benefits, making thousands of migrants eligible for the payments, according to a report from the New York Post and confirmed by Fox News Digital.

The move was made through the state's Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, which sent a message to social services agencies in the state, the report notes, though the agency would not say how many migrants are currently receiving payments...........
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