Author Topic: John Oliver offering Clarence Thomas $1M a year to resign from Supreme Court  (Read 1583 times)

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 John Oliver offering Clarence Thomas $1M a year to resign from Supreme Court
by Dominick Mastrangelo - 02/19/24 11:19 AM ET

Comedian and “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver is urging Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign, offering him $1 million per year to do so.

Oliver railed against the conservative justice during the 11th season premiere of his weekly show Sunday, saying Thomas had made the lives of Americans “demonstrably worse” and promising him a brand new luxury recreational vehicle if he agrees to step down from the high court.

“Lot on your plate right now. From stripping away women’s rights to hearing Jan. 6 cases, you definitely shouldn’t be hearing two potentially helping rollback decades of federal regulations,” he said.

“So that’s the offer. $1 million a year, Clarence. And a brand new condo on wheels. And all you have to do in return is sign the contract and get the f‑‑‑ off the Supreme Court,” Oliver added. “Talk it over with your totally best friend in the whole world. Because the clock starts now. Thirty days, Clarence … Let’s do this!”

The comedian’s bit was first highlighted by Mediaite.

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Offline Wingnut

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Limey bloody wanker go home.
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Offline andy58-in-nh

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It is demonstrably because of people like Clarence Thomas that those such as Mr. Oliver are able to enjoy the freedoms that Americans too often take for granted, and which loud-mouthed Euro-leftists ought to appreciate, but too often, do not.

John Oliver used to be a modestly amusing social commentator, irrespective of his socialist bent.

Now, he is just another pontificating poofter who once made fun of Trump's Germanic roots ("Trumpf!") without a shred of self-awareness that but for the blood of American patriots who share Trump's belief in American exceptionalism, his own island nation would have become a province of Greater Germany. 
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Online Hoodat

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Isn't that bribery?  He is trying to bribe a Supreme Court Justice which is a felony.
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Online Kamaji

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Isn't that bribery?  He is trying to bribe a Supreme Court Justice which is a felony.


Offline libertybele

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Isn't that bribery?  He is trying to bribe a Supreme Court Justice which is a felony.

That's the way I see it; but one set of rules for the liberals and one set of rules for everyone else.
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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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That would be a pay cut compared to the value of his undeclared gifts, along with his Federal paycheck.
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