Ful disclosure - I began serving under Reagan and so was steeped in the Cold War vibe during my formative years. So I have a bias.
With that said, the thought of the U.S. sitting on its hands while Ukrainians are willing to fight and die to defend their country against Russia led by a former KGB operative makes me sick and ashamed. Not sure what we stand for if others fighting for their own liberty doesn't matter to us anymore.
@Maj. Bill Martin EXCELLENT POST!
I can only add my own selfish self-interest to that by saying "Ukrainian soldiers are fighting and dying in order to defeat the evil known as the Soviet Union,and THAT means that no US soldiers are fighting and dying to do this VERY necessary job.
With ANY luck at all,the Russian people and their senior Soviet Masters will see the writing on the wall,and end the war themselves by removing Putin from power and installing a government friendly towards the west.
And after all,why wouldn't they? While Putin is a left-over remnant from the days of aggression to and from the west,times have changed and there are plenty of mid-level and almost certainly more than a few senior Russian Generals who see both the futility of continuing hostilities with the west,but the need to be able to focus their resources on their eastern border because as sure as sunrise,the Chinese WILL invade eastern Russia in an effort to steal all that gold and oil.
The Chinese either have to do that,or allow Chinese Communism to die because they do NOT have the resources necessary in China to "keep that boat floating". Which ultimately means an invasion of eastern Russia because there is no way in HELL the entitled Chi-Com leadership is ready or willing to face an actual rebellion when the food and other supplies run out,and they don't have the money to buy it. Or wouldn't,if we would stop giving them our factories and buying their junk.
It is NO exaggeration to STATE that it is American Capitalists and corrupt politicians that are keeping the "Chinese Boat afloat" today. This is the fault of "we,the people of the US of America" for ignoring this situation and allowing our politicians to buy (more truthfully,"be bought") into it.
A rebellion like that generally leads to the old leadership hanging by the necks in public squares.
The ONLY thing standing in the way of peace between Russia and the west is Putin and a few other geezers from his generation that are still in power,and the western politicians and corporations that get money from allowing it to happen.
BTW,does it REALLY need to be said that allowing the above puts American workers out of work with no hope of getting a similar job?