Author Topic: Rowdy anti-Israel group gathers outside Ted Cruz's home for early morning protest: 'Harassing my fam  (Read 1480 times)

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Rowdy anti-Israel group gathers outside Ted Cruz's home for early morning protest: 'Harassing my family'

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz was confronted by a raucous crowd of anti-Israel protesters Saturday outside his Houston home for a second time in one week.

In a post to social media Saturday morning, Cruz, who has been vocal about his support of Israel amid its war with Hamas militants, wrote, "For the [2nd] time this week, anti-Israel protestors have come to my house early in the morning, waking up the neighbors & harassing my family. None expressed concern about Hamas’ Oct 7 murder of over 1200 or mass rapes of women & children."

The senator added, "I’m proud to stand with Israel."

Though it is not immediately clear whether Cruz was at his home when the protesters arrived, the footage shared online, which was captured from Cruz's front door, showed a little more than a dozen protesters holding signs and shouting anti-Israel chants.

One sign featured an image of Cruz's head above a red heart and the words "dead kids" listed below, while another individual held a sign that read, "STOP FUNDING GENOCIDE."

"Ted Cruz, you will see, Palestine will be free. Ted Cruz, what do you say? How many kids have you killed today," the protesters, almost all of whom rattled bells back and forth, shouted from the sidewalk running along the front side of Cruz's home............
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