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Is America too far gone Culturally to Recover?

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--- Quote from: Bigun on February 29, 2024, 01:51:43 am ---It was far more than 60 days in before any "leader" of the TEA revolution emerged. I was there! Still am!

--- End quote ---

That's why the comparison... Though we differ. I was there too. Me and Rabscuttle385 from FR on some pretty obscure Paul forums... It was Paul's not so little army of devotees that drove up the start of that movement. It was only much later that more official Right-leaning organizations got in... And tried to claim it.

I say that more as an observer. As a Western man, I am more libertarian minded, so I was friendly with those who everyone else called 'Paultards'... I never was one of em.

I could take Paul's domestic policy, pretty much across the board.
We kinda parted ways in foreign policy.

So I was there. A neighbor invited to the fire... But not one of em.

Male baby boomers.  We were dupted by the Free love, bra burning years. We got sucked in to the idea that laying track and pulling trains was going to be nirvana.  Sadly it was our demise. We should have seen that men before us gave women the vote. Let them drive cars.  All mistakes. We never learn. It gave us liberals.  Sad...  We made our bed and now we can't even get laid in it.

Should I be troubled that I voted for the stoner option? I'm on hold with my therapist as I type.  :shrug:

White culture is done.

Nobody has ever accused me of having culture.

To all sides - leave me alone, stop taking my stuff, and cease limiting my choices.

Man's Natural State is to be Free.


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