Author Topic: Tomato Juice Can Kill Salmonella and Other Bacteria with Its Super Anti-Microbial Properties  (Read 1288 times)

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Tomato Juice Can Kill Salmonella and Other Bacteria with Its Super Anti-Microbial Properties

Scientists have shown that tomato juice kills a particular bacteria responsible for Typhoid fever, a debilitating tropical disease, in addition to other bacteria that can harm people’s digestive and urinary tract health.

Salmonella Typhi is a human-specific pathogen often transmitted in food that not only causes all the symptoms of food poisoning but the potentially deadly Typhoid fever, which even after decades of medical advancement is still a major worldwide public health concern.

The team behind the discovery—from Cornell University, New York, set out to discover which antimicrobial peptides in tomato juice made it so effective against Salmonella.

First they checked to see if tomato juice really does kill Salmonella Typhi and once they had confirmed it did, the team looked at the tomato genome to find the antimicrobial peptides that were involved.

The most significant discovery is that tomato juice is effective in eliminating Salmonella Typhi, its hypervirulent variants, and other bacteria that can harm people’s digestive and urinary tract health...................
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