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Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley again slammed former President Trump for his comments mocking her deployed husband, saying a “rogue golf ball” is the closest the former president has ever come to combat.

“The closest Donald Trump has ever come to harm’s way is a rogue golf ball hitting his cart. It’s not surprising that he doesn’t understand the sacrifices made by those in uniform,” Haley wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Trump took aim at Haley’s husband, who was deployed to Africa in June with the South Carolina Army National Guard, for not being on the campaign trail with Haley at a Saturday rally in South Carolina.

Since then, Haley has responded by calling Trump’s remarks “insulting to military families” and by releasing a campaign ad Monday highlighting Trump’s previous remarks mocking veterans.

She also addressed Trump’s remarks in an interview with Fox News on Monday, saying the comments were “disgusting.”

“To sit there and mock my husband for not being with me on the presidential trail because he is deployed and serving our country. You mock one veteran, you’re mocking all veterans,” she said, noting that Trump has previously taken aim at members of the military and veterans.

“The problem with Trump is he’s never been anywhere near a uniform. He apparently had some sort of foot reason that he says he couldn’t do that. But the reality is the closest he’s come to harm’s way is a golf ball hitting him on a — on a golf cart,” she said.

Haley appeared to be referring to a medical deferment from the military draft during the Vietnam War granted to Trump because of bone spurs on his feet.

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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2024, 06:13:43 pm »
I hadn’t even heard about this spew from Trump on his worship service the other day.  Of course FR sycophants never mention anything negative.

Pretty funny and accurate statement about Don.  Zing, just like he constantly does to her and everyone not himself.

OTOH, did Niki do anything MIL?  I know her husband but how about her, since some have been allowed to do so much the last 30 years?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 06:14:47 pm by the OlLine Rebel »
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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2024, 06:30:21 pm »
His comment enters the mix with his “respects people who aren’t captured” comments and the rumors he called veterans “suckers and losers.”

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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2024, 09:05:30 pm »
OTOH, did Niki do anything MIL?  I know her husband but how about her, since some have been allowed to do so much the last 30 years?
I'm guessing she's trying to adopt her husband's military experience as her own.
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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2024, 09:17:12 pm »
I hadn’t even heard about this spew from Trump on his worship service the other day.  Of course FR sycophants never mention anything negative.

Pretty funny and accurate statement about Don.  Zing, just like he constantly does to her and everyone not himself.

OTOH, did Niki do anything MIL?  I know her husband but how about her, since some have been allowed to do so much the last 30 years?

I have no problem zinging DJT either, but I consider Nimrata 10X worse.
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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2024, 10:24:10 pm »
Don't care for her at all, but that was a good one! Top notch!
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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2024, 10:33:58 pm »
We'll see how smug she is after the SC primary.

Here is the latest CBS poll.  According to the poll, voters don't care that she's from SC. 

CBS News poll: South Carolina Republicans give Trump large lead over Haley ahead of 2024 primary

It turns out not all politics is local.

In South Carolina's 2024 Republican primary election, most voters look back approvingly on Nikki Haley's time as the state's governor, but also say it doesn't matter to them that she's from the state — and instead say that they're thinking nationally about the party's nomination.

So, for that and many other reasons, Donald Trump has a very big advantage here, just as he does with Republicans nationally.

Plus, nearly half the party's voters here identify as "MAGA" — in similar numbers to Republicans nationwide — and they don't think Haley is part of that movement.

Going forward, Trump's voters don't seem open to change in the coming weeks — almost nine in 10 are "firmly decided" — leaving Haley's arguments about things like electability or chaos struggling to find resonance.
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Re: Haley: ‘Rogue golf ball’ is closest Trump has come to combat
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2024, 11:21:36 pm »
Not a Haley fan, but that made me chuckle. :laugh: