Author Topic: Meet 5 Democrats who have been floated as possible Biden replacements  (Read 1529 times)

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Re: Meet 5 Democrats who have been floated as possible Biden replacements
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2024, 01:07:29 am »

He’s also a popular Democrat governor of a red state who handily won reelection over a MAGA endorsed challenger

But why would anyone who has a desire to run for president want to enter the 2024 under those circumstances? If Biden decides to step aside, and I see no indication of that happening, what makes anyone think Kamala will just go along with being replaced?


I don't  think she will have any choice in the matter. I understand she is as smart as a rock,but even she should be able to figure out she  can't win without the full backing of the people who own  the DNC.

She would be lucky to survive an attempt to run. There has to be all sorts of "dirt" in her background that the DNC knows about,and would cheerfully make public if she tried to get in their way.

She may be "3 ooo" "stooopid",but the billionaire globalist that own the DNC aren't,and they will do anything they have to do to keep the power rolling in their direction.
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Offline libertybele

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Re: Meet 5 Democrats who have been floated as possible Biden replacements
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2024, 01:26:33 am »

I don't  think she will have any choice in the matter. I understand she is as smart as a rock,but even she should be able to figure out she  can't win without the full backing of the people who own  the DNC.

She would be lucky to survive an attempt to run. There has to be all sorts of "dirt" in her background that the DNC knows about,and would cheerfully make public if she tried to get in their way.

She may be "3 ooo" "stooopid",but the billionaire globalist that own the DNC aren't,and they will do anything they have to do to keep the power rolling in their direction.

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Re: Meet 5 Democrats who have been floated as possible Biden replacements
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2024, 02:04:20 am »
The difference is that Michigan has been blue for a long time, and Kentucky has been red.  Much more impressive for a Democrat to win in Kentucky than in Michigan.

To be fair, Bershear beat someone Trump endorsed, which makes the KY Democrat win somewhat less impressive.
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