Author Topic: Ex-Clinton aide says he ‘wet the bed’ over special counsel’s report on Biden: 'Terrible for Democrat  (Read 846 times)

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Ex-Clinton aide says he ‘wet the bed’ over special counsel’s report on Biden: 'Terrible for Democrats'

Former Bill Clinton strategist and CNN political commentator Paul Begala admitted Friday that Special Counsel Robert Hur’s indictment of President Biden’s memory and Biden's response was "terrible for Democrats," joking he "wet the bed" over it.

Begala, a Biden supporter, quipped on CNN Friday that he did not sleep well over all the bedwetting he did in response to Hur’s report on Biden's handling of classified documents.

The findings of the report revealed Biden willfully retained classified U.S. documents as a private citizen, but charges were not recommended against the 46th president over his actions, partly because he would have a defense at trial as a "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

The special counsel’s claims alarmed both Democratic Party members and Biden himself, who held a press conference in part to dispute the claims about his competence Thursday.

Begala lamented the report and Biden’s response to it. He began, quipping, "Oh yeah. Look, I’m a Biden supporter, and I slept like a baby last night: I woke up every two hours crying and wet the bed."

"This is terrible for Democrats. And anybody with a functioning brain knows that," he declared.

The commentator then advised what Biden should’ve done instead of getting defensive at his press conference. "But here’s what you do. Instead of calling a press conference and saying, 'I really am sharp,' you attack the other guy."

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  • That is the problem with everything. They try and make it better without realizing the old is fine.
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Biden and him have a lot in common.  Bed wetters.
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