Author Topic: Anonymous Democrats on the Special Counsel Report: 'It's a Nightmare' and 'Beyond Devastating' John  (Read 784 times)

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Anonymous Democrats on the Special Counsel Report: 'It's a Nightmare' and 'Beyond Devastating'
John Sexton

The special counsel report which cleared Biden legally has become a loose grenade for his campaign politically. Now everyone is talking about the one thing the Biden campaign didn't want them talking about: Biden's age and mental fitness.

As Karen pointed out this morning, Biden has already made his first post-report gaffe, mixing up the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico. This was meant to reassure us?

So today there are two types of Democratic operatives being quoted in news stories the first are those like David Axelrod who've been warning about this problem for some time.

    “Fair or not, you can’t unring the bell,” said David Axelrod, the former strategist for Barack Obama who has emerged as one of the Democratic Party’s leading figures warning about how voters view Mr. Biden’s age. Mr. Axelrod said the special counsel’s report was so troubling for Democrats because it “goes to the core of what is plaguing Biden politically now, which is a widespread fear that he’s not up to it.”

    He added: “The most damaging things in politics are the things that confirm people’s pre-existing suspicions, and those are the things that travel very fast. It’s a problem.”

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