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Secret photos of Jews being deported by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust discovered for first time

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I've just finished reading a book about Auschwitz and Dr. Mengele. Anger and sorrow hardly begin to describe my response.


--- Quote from: 240B on February 08, 2024, 04:52:46 pm ---You can see them bringing all of their belongings with them. That is because they believed the propaganda. They thought they were simply being 'relocated' to a different place. They did not know.

Men would put on suits. Women would dress themselves and their children in their finest clothes (to make a good impression). They brought all of their money and wealth with them (to buy a better suite). They really thought they were going to some refuge somewhere.

When a rogue Jew would tell them they were all going to be killed, they refused to believe it. In some cases they would turn the 'rogue Jew' over to the Nazis, because they didn't want any trouble.

All the women and girls (some of the men and boys) were raped before they were killed or worked to death.

The camps were 'prison rules' with some boss (in the pocket of the Nazis) and some gang running everything. Prisoners were tattooed with a 'rank'. Since Nazis sent EVERYONE to the camps (handicapped, mental, criminals, dissenters, gypsies, and on and on ...), they grouped and evaluated the prisoners differently based on race and why they were there.

Some would be killed immediately while others were treated less harshly. But they all eventually died. Opposite of what we are taught today, the healthiest biggest/fattest people had the best chance to survive. Infants, pregnant women, elderly, and sickly, died right away.

The guards would mock the arriving prisoners. They would say, "Oh my. We are so sorry you had a terrible trip. Everything will be besser now." All of the uniforms were bloody, stained, and filthy. They would give tall prisoners short death uniforms. They would give big prisoners small uniforms. They would do anything they could do to torture and to screw with the prisoner in very petty and vindictive ways.

But the worst was the work with no water and no food. The point was to work them to death. Nazis had them carrying 50+ pound stones up a hill. Then they had them carry them all down again. Any slip, fall, or faint, was punished with death on the spot. They had them building five story brick walls for no reason at all with no safety at all. Nazis had the prisoners doing extremely dangerous tasks just to watch them die. A freezing cold or a blistering hot day was the perfect time to have the naked prisoners run a track until they dropped.

Nazis had the prisoners dig a giant wide trench. They made the prisoners jump the trench naked. Anyone who fell in was buried there. But it was not just the jump. The Nazis had whips, shillelaghs, and clubs and were whipping the prisoners before and after the jump. Many prisoners just jumped into the trench because to die was sweet relief from what they had to endure each day.

These stories come from being raised Jewish and listening to actual survivors who were literally there in the camps at the time.

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I read their stories and it breaks my heart. I can't watch Schindler's List or Sophie's Choice because I start crying at the beginnings and can't quit. (And I'm not one to cry.)

I have often wondered what I would do if presented with the same options these people were given. Lived here all my life...and no place to refugee to? The inhumanity is too hard to comprehend.


--- Quote from: berdie on February 08, 2024, 09:28:23 pm ---
I can't watch Schindler's List or Sophie's Choice because I start crying at the beginnings and can't quit. (And I'm not one to cry.)

--- End quote ---

Schindler's List is extremely mild compared to other nonfiction documentaries. I think most gentiles thought of Schindler as "just a movie".

The real documentaries ... featuring witnesses and actual footage from the time, are horrible. These are documentaries which will never be shown in any school or on any television channel. They are simply much too graphic for most people to endure.

But yes, I have the same problem. It is difficult to stomach the horror when you know deeply it is a true real life event and not just a movie.


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