Author Topic: Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. Uncovers Evidence of Deceased Voters Continuing to “Vote” in Florida  (Read 9649 times)

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The Post & Email by Fight Voter Fraud, Inc 2/7/2024

Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. Uncovers Alarming Evidence of Deceased Voters Continuing to “Vote” in Florida

Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. (FVF, Inc.) has recently investigated the voting records of deceased individuals in fifteen counties throughout the state of Florida, as deceased voters were found to have continued voting even after their deaths, with some of them having passed away more than 20 years ago.

The investigation, conducted by FVF, Inc., examined the voting records of 1,436 deceased voters using the State of Florida Voter rolls dated August 9, 2022. Of that sample, 314 of those deceased voters actively voted after their death, some as recent as 2022. This is 21.86% of the voter records investigated. All of the deceased voters included in this tally were still on the voter rolls as of that date, and the investigation encompassed deaths that occurred through January 2023.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) stipulates that only active voters should be listed on the voter rolls. The revelation of deceased voters participating in elections raises serious questions about the accuracy and maintenance of Florida’s voter rolls.

    Linda Szynkowicz, Founder and CEO of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., expressed deep concern over the findings: “Florida has what we call the “Lazarus Effect;” the dead come back to life and vote and more outrageously, some even vote in person. Those responsible for maintaining the voter rolls must answer to the public.”


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We can't disenfranchise the voting rights of the dead
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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What's the secretary of state been doing? When ours took office, he immediately started purging  the voter rolls of deceased or otherwise ineligible voters.
Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?