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Squad' Democrat accuses Walgreens of racism for leaving Boston neighborhood: 'Shame on you'

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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Wingnut on February 06, 2024, 01:41:04 am ---You say that like it is a bad thing.

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If I were looting, that is the first shelf I would clean out.


--- Quote from: 240B on February 05, 2024, 10:57:59 pm ---She is admitting that Black people are the thieves. But, she is only pissed that they have no place to rob anymore.

According to racist Black radicals, it is fundamentally "racist" to not allow yourself to be robbed by Black people. It is surprising that she would admit all of this so openly.

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They'll get a cheap mass transit line in there to some wealthy neighborhood to solve that problem.


Why Walgreens is closing another store in Boston's majority Black and Latino neighborhoods


... lower Medicaid re-imbursement rates, not racism.

It takes a PHD to ignore the obvious...

Smokin Joe:
Now, this is not Roxbury, but a CVS in Washington DC. I would hypothesize, however, that this is typical of or perhaps even just an extreme case of a more general problem.

--- Quote ---“The only items in stock are the ones that are locked up. I did ask an employee what gets stolen the most, and they just laughed and said, ‘Everything,'” Sierra Fox added.
--- End quote ---

Source: https://nypost.com/2023/10/04/thieves-strip-shelves-bare-at-cvs-outlet-in-the-nations-capital/

Pharmacies have become like Gas Stations. Once pretty much a single product oriented store, with a major product and a few snacks and repairs in the case of the gas station, and pharmaceuticals (OTC and prescribed), a few medical supplies, and maybe a soda fountain, they have evolved into convenience stores and something similar in the case of the Pharmacies.
I remember walking into a People's Drug in MD when I was in high school (nearly a half century ago) after visiting a local, more traditional pharmacy through my childhood, and the difference was that of walking into a Modern Supermarket after having shopped at a small country store.

When the Pharmacy can't make enough money on prescriptions to compensate for the losses due to inventory control problems in the rest of the store, something has to be done, and closure is usually the simplest out.


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