Author Topic: Elon Musk Suggests Democrats Are Flooding the Country With Illegal Immigrants to Create a One-Party  (Read 483 times)

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Legal Insurrection  by Mike LaChance Sunday, February 4, 2024

“That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective.”

Elon Musk recently tweeted something that made the news. He suggested that there is a strategy behind Biden’s border crisis which is to create a permanent Democrat supermajority.

This is basically the concept of replacement theory. Democrats have bragged on camera about the changing demographics of the country, but if you notice or complain, you’re labeled a racist conspiracy theorist.

Musk says Biden opened border floodgates so Democrats can stay in power

Elon Musk has again railed against President Joe Biden’s approach to securing the southern border, arguing that the commander-in-chief is letting millions of people into the country on purpose, so the Democrats can permanently stay in power.

Billionaire Musk, who has been a vocal critic of Biden’s border crisis, ripped into the president on X late Friday while sharing a 2021 news story headline revealing that Biden had intended to prioritize offering legal status to an estimated 11 million people while in office.

“Biden’s strategy is very simple,” Musk wrote.

“1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible. 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state.”

“That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective.”

Musk tweeting this suggests that the thinking on this issue has shifted. More people will be talking about this.


Online mountaineer

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Replacement theory is a real thing, folks. Coming to your hometown.

Robby Starbuck
You can’t call replacement theory racist when it’s literally out in the open now. I’m Latino and I’m telling you that the left in the west is trying to replace existing citizens (mostly white) with migrants from 3rd world countries. It must end or the west will become 3rd world!
10:30 AM · Feb 18, 2024

An elderly British couple were informed by a council letter trying to 'force' them to sell home in order to house illegal immigrants. This is what replacement looks like.
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Offline libertybele

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Of course Musk is correct. Though I find it frustrating that so many didn't see that this was going to happen. 

Replacement theory? Well, our property is ours.  We worked and paid for it. I'll be damned or die defending it.
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