« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2024, 01:48:43 pm »
But for a possible trip to Boston next year, I'm pretty much done with flying. Shouldn't have wasted money on getting our passports renewed.
Me too. I try to rent a car for trips 10 hours and under, or else ride the train. The government and the airlines have destroyed the comfort, convenience, security, and safety of air travel over the past 30 some years.
aka "nasty degenerate SOB," "worst of the worst at Free Republic," "Garbage Troll," "Neocon Warmonger," "Filthy Piece of Trash," "damn $#%$#@!," "Silly f'er," "POS," "war pig," "neocon scumbag," "insignificant little ankle nipper," "@ss-clown," "neocuck," "termite," "Uniparty Deep stater," "Never Trump sack of dog feces," "avid Bidenista," "filthy Ukrainian," "war whore," "fricking chump," "psychopathic POS," "depraved SOB," and "Never Trump Moron."
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." ---George Orwell