Author Topic: ‘The View’ co-host Sunny Hostin insists that the ‘vast majority’ of Americans are racists  (Read 2620 times)

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‘The View’ co-host Sunny Hostin insists that the ‘vast majority’ of Americans are racists
February 2, 2024 | Chris Donaldson

Sunny Hostin kicked off what promises to be a lively Black History Month at “The View” by insisting that the “vast majority” of Americans are racist to the core.

On Thursday’s edition of the IQ-draining ABC gabfest, the race-obsessed Hostin jousted with white co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin over the ridiculous idea that’s been promulgated by the left that the U.S. is a country built on the bones of black slaves and that it is and always will be a land of institutionalized racism.

“I don’t think the American people are racist. I think there’s a history of racism, or Vice President Harris saying, no, I don’t believe America is racist but there is a history and we’re still living with racism we have to deal with,” Griffin said during the discussion.

“And there are plenty of racist people in this country,” co-host Joy Behar chimed in, almost certainly referring to Republicans.

Griffin continued, “And there are absolutely racist people in this country. It is not the vast majority of people in this country, and I feel like….”

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A racist like Sunny will always see racism. 
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline cato potatoe

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It sounds like she is dealing with a fundamental problem with American society.  Our country's original sin is a heritable trait, being passed down from one white debbil to the next.  To bring it out of them, all it takes is the company of a sourpuss airhead morning show host.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Ok, so I'm racist. WGAF?

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A racist like Sunny will always see racism.
Liberals and Blacks are the most racist group in America. Because they think in extremely racist terms, they assume everyone thinks like they do. Ergo, everyone is racist. It is projection.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline LMAO

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People like this Sunni idiot must find racism in this country. Their survival almost depends on it.

The problem they have is that there’s not enough racism that they can really find to feed their narrative. Hence, more  Jussie Smollett type incidences
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Weird cries out in protest:
"Ok, so I'm racist. WGAF?"

I certainly don't.
You're simply responding like a normal human being.

What would you say in reply if I said to you that "racism" (a term that was literally created out-of-the-air by the communists) was not wrong or evil, but was instead a normal, natural, and HEALTHY response by groups of humans which serves to protect them from outsiders?

All the other "races" and ethnic groups of the world know and understand this. They're aware of their group "identity", and for them the expression of such is normal behavior. No one tells them this -- they realize it as a matter of course.

It's only the stupid WHITES of the world who deny this reality, and are paying the price for having done so by being on the verge of losing not only their countries, but the entire civilization that was built and gifted to them by their forefathers.

Whites have no idea that they should resist.
Worse, they don't even understand WHY it's necessary for them to do so.
When the [again, manufactured] word "racist" is tossed at them, they run for the hills, defenseless.

Most whites haven't any "identity".
And thus, they cannot establish a rationale for their own self-defense, or the defense of their civilization.

That's why the other side is winning, and why the whites are losing.
They don't have much time left.

So, if you want to be "a racist", just BE one.
Only by recognizing our own "identity", will we be able to prevent our otherwise-inevitable collapse.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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What kind of racist nation allows African-Americans to be on television?  I know my racist relatives wouldn't have allowed it.

I remember when being 'racist' meant something, really really bad.  Now it's just another meaningless trope casually used as a slur against white deplorables.   
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Liberals and Blacks are the most racist group in America. Because they think in extremely racist terms, they assume everyone thinks like they do. Ergo, everyone is racist. It is projection.
Well how racist of you to leave out La Raza, a group that is growing exponentially thanks to Captain Dementia, just wait until the Blacks really get worked up over being supplanted by them.

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What kind of racist nation allows African-Americans to be on television?  I know my racist relatives wouldn't have allowed it.

I remember when being 'racist' meant something, really really bad.  Now it's just another meaningless trope casually used as a slur against white deplorables.
A racist nation that also allows Blacks to become multi multi millionaires as rappers, singers, actors, athletes, and all with the help of us Racist White people without whom there wouldn't be the money to pay them. It pisses me off to no end when Blacks who have become wealthy because White people watch basketball and football predominated by Blacks, or fork out their dollars to watch movies with black stars, etc....and then those Black pricks claim that White people treat them badly! Waa Waaa waaa! poor bastards 9999hair out0000

Offline goatprairie

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A racist nation that also allows Blacks to become multi multi millionaires as rappers, singers, actors, athletes, and all with the help of us Racist White people without whom there wouldn't be the money to pay them. It pisses me off to no end when Blacks who have become wealthy because White people watch basketball and football predominated by Blacks, or fork out their dollars to watch movies with black stars, etc....and then those Black pricks claim that White people treat them badly! Waa Waaa waaa! poor bastards 9999hair out0000
I've asked a number of racism-obsessed libs on many on-line forums who constantly shriek about "white supremacy" and whites always keeping their jackboots on the throats of black people how someone like Oprah Winfrey managed to accumulate over three billion dollars much of that money coming from white people who watch her show and buy her products.
Usually I'm met with a ton of invective claiming that only a racist would ask a question like that.
The end result, of course, is that they have no answer.
Black people in America are where they are because of the choices they've made in life and not because Evil Whitey has his boots on their necks.
But libs can't stand that answer. If true, there goes their belief of the country composed of the oppressed and the oppressors. We know who the oppressors are supposed to be....Evil Whitey.
But Evil Whitey doesn't have that kind of power.
Nevertheless, libs won't give up their conceit. How would they get up in the morning knowing that their whole agenda is built on an edifice of lies?

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Liberals and Blacks are the most racist group in America. Because they think in extremely racist terms, they assume everyone thinks like they do. Ergo, everyone is racist. It is projection.
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Discernment is now racist. So be it.
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I'm not racist by any stretch of the imagination but if someone thinks I'm one, there's nothing I can do to change her mind so who cares?

Offline goatprairie

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I'm not racist by any stretch of the imagination but if someone thinks I'm one, there's nothing I can do to change her mind so who cares?
Everybody has prejudices or opinions formed as they go through life.
But the fact of the matter is, contrary to what liberals firmly believe, what you or any other white person in America thinks about race has zero effect on young, black males who are doing the great majority of the carjacking, murder, robbery, and other types of violence in the black sections of the U.S.
But libs just can't give up on the idea of pervasive white racism making black people do bad things.

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Yes I know Sunni, white people like me existing and breathing make you uncomfortable, but I don't plan to go anywhere for awhile.
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