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Trump’s VP Pick

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--- Quote from: Jack Russell on January 26, 2024, 12:42:33 am ---Where's the stoner option?

--- End quote ---

My question, also

Every poll must have the stoner option

Scott has been kissing his rear end more than the others.

My preference would be for DeSantis.  He would be the best to follow Trump for 8 years.

But the assessment of both being from the same state, Trump would be compelled to pick someone else.

And with the current lame mindset in politics, the selection will have to be a woman and/or a black.  Big Mike does NOT satisfy the criteria, because it would need to be someone that supports Trump, and she is on record for uttering her terror should Trump get a 2nd term.

And it will not be Nikki Haley.  She will go out of her way to agitate Trump in the next month or two, and she will not be considered.  Thank God!!!  I can't stand her.

Kristi Noem is a possibility, but because she supports making all illegal invading aliens citizens, I have no desire for her to gain national prominence.

I like Larry Elder.  He is a solid conservative, and I agree with everything he usually says.  I think he would be a huge help for Trump.  He is a media guy, and Trump would benefit from his experience as well.

What I really do not want, and what destroys Trump's credibility, is anyone formerly involved with the Bush Administration.  I consider George Bush equally bad to Obama and Biden.  The fat blowhard that he had as AG was worthless in my opinion, and now he speaks against Trump.  I also do not want any Obama generals, people who managed to survive Obama's purge of the military of some 4,500 high ranking officers.

I tell you, Trump's 2nd term would be better than another Obama/Biden term, no question, but his inability to work with other people in government has us kicking a can down the road on major issues that should have been addressed 20-30 years ago.  And this is not good for the American people.  The ONLY PEOPLE being served by this federal government today are the INVADERS, who have zero rights to be here...ZERO RIGHTS...and the American taxpayer is carrying a burden they simply should not have to do.

And in the argument of Americans not having children, this same horrible government has made it all but impossible to survive in this country.  Monies that should be invested in our own population are going overseas or to INVADERS.  Enough of that bullsh*t!!!

If you follow The Simpsons and how they predict the future, his running mate will be Ivanka.

Poll needs an "other" space  too  Or a stoner option. . No biggie. That would be my vote.

But definitely a woman this time around.


--- Quote ---Poll needs an "other" space  too 
--- End quote ---
Ha ha, I read that "outer space." May as well.  :tinfoil:


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