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Kamala Harris: Christians Can Support Killing Babies in Abortions


Kamala Harris: Christians Can Support Killing Babies in Abortions
National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 23, 2024   |   8:12PM   |   Washington, DC

Kamala Harris apparently doesn’t know much about the Bible because she just said that it’s okay for Christians to kill their babies in abortions.

The abortion cheerleader is on a nationwide tour this month to celebrate abortions and today she appeared at a rally with Joe Biden to kick off the tour. There, she told abortion advocates that it’s okay for a Christian to have an abortion.

“One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs” to support abortion-on-demand without limits until birth, Harris said.

Not only that, but Harris wildly claim that killing babies is compassionate.


 :facepalm2: :facepalm2: :facepalm2:

I wonder who let her off her leash

It is not the job of Government to define Faith.

Such a decision is a matter of conscience.


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