Author Topic: Texans Respond to Supreme Court Order Allowing Federal Agents to Destroy Razor Wire Fencing  (Read 1434 times)

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Texas Scorecard by  Will Biagini   | January 23, 2024

This comes as the Texas National Guard is continuing to hold the line at the southern border.

Texans are enraged following a Supreme Court order yesterday that ruled in favor of the Biden administration to allow federal agents to destroy Texas’ concertina wire fencing.

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R—21) called on Texas officials to ignore the court’s ruling in an interview with Fox News.

“They have a duty under the Constitution … and every other norm of leadership of any sovereign state, to protect your citizens, period, full stop. There is no exception to that,” he said. “And if the Supreme Court wants to ignore that truth, which a slim majority did, Texas still had the duty, Texas leaders still have the duty, to defend their people.”

U.S. Rep. Roger Williams (R—25) responded by immediately introducing the State of Texas Operational Protection (STOP) Act on Monday, which would affirm the state of Texas’ right to secure its southern border by means of wall construction and possible reimbursements from the federal government for any actions taken.

“Biden’s border crisis has gone on for too long. My STOP Act will save lives by allowing Texans to protect our communities from this INVASION on American soil,” Williams wrote on X. 

State Rep. Briscoe Cain (R—Deer Park) quoted President Andrew Jackson’s famous saying, “the Supreme Court has made their decision, now let’s see them enforce it.”


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Texas officials say they will ‘hold the line’ and not allow BP agents into Shelby Park to access to the razor wire

This comes as SCOTUS gave the Biden administration a temporary victory ruling 5-4 allowing the feds to cut the razor wire on the border in areas like here in Eagle Pass.

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Texas National Guard doing what the federal government should’ve done long ago.

When defending against crime becomes a criminal act, justice no longer wears a blindfold; instead, it dons a cloak of hypocrisy.

However, this might not end well.

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Online Fishrrman

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Time for a commanding officer in the Texas National Guard to assemble his men.

Then, take a ceremonial sword and draw a line in the sand.

And finally, state that any Guardsman who does not wish to oppose federal agents or troops may step across the line, without penalty.

But also state that all those who remain behind the line will fight first for the state of Texas.

How does that hit ya?

Offline Smokin Joe

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Time for a commanding officer in the Texas National Guard to assemble his men.

Then, take a ceremonial sword and draw a line in the sand.

And finally, state that any Guardsman who does not wish to oppose federal agents or troops may step across the line, without penalty.

But also state that all those who remain behind the line will fight first for the state of Texas.

How does that hit ya?
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis