Author Topic: Congressman accuses DOJ of hiding evidence of undercover agents involved in U.S. Capitol riot  (Read 964 times)

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By Kerry Picket - The Washington Times - Friday, January 19, 2024

Rep. Clay Higgins says the Justice Department is withholding exculpatory evidence from police video and audio recordings that reveal hundreds of undercover law enforcement officers were among the rioters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and helped incite the attack.

He is seeking more than the closed-circuit security footage from the Capitol riot. He wants the Department of Justice to make public police body camera footage, cellphone video, Go-Pro-type recordings and transcripts of preserved police radio traffic.

“To the extent that I’ve been able to put my own two eyes on some of that evidence, there’s a common thread that is woven amongst the evidence that the DOJ conceals,” Mr. Higgins, Louisiana Republican, told The Washington Times.

The “common thread,” according to Mr. Higgins, is the FBI and Justice Department lawyers using video to prosecute Jan. 6 protesters but refusing to identify people caught on the same video engaged in the same activity. He suspects the rioters protected by the feds are undercover agents and informants.

“I have had access to some of the discovery evidence that that that some smart attorneys have forced the DOJ to release within the parameters of that criminal case,” said Mr. Higgins, a former law enforcement officer and Army veteran who has been assisting family members of some Jan. 6 defendants.

The judge released the digital evidence to the families with the condition that the material could not be made public, under threat of criminal prosecution.

Mr. Higgins said the DOJ is “zealously protecting” the digital evidence.
