Author Topic: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: January 14, 2024 Edition  (Read 970 times)

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SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: January 14, 2024 Edition
« on: January 13, 2024, 08:08:15 am »
Georgia Prosecution of Trump Corrupt

This week it was discovered that the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis hired her ambulance-chasing paramour Nathan Wade to be the "special prosecutor" of Donald Trump for challenging the state's 2020 reported election results. She authorized payments to him amounting to over $600,000--including billings for 16 hours of consultation with the White House. Most of this money was spent on luxury getaway trysts for the two of them.

Willis also secretly met with the House January 6 Committee to obtain "evidence" that did not have to be shared with the people she planned to prosecute because she had not yet indicted them. Jan. 6 committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss) praised "her ingenuity in evading the normal discovery rules that would have given these enemies of democracy information that could've been used to derail their conviction. Coming on top of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif) unprecedented refusal to allow Republicans to choose their own J6 committee members revolutionized the process for eliminating democracy's enemies."

Pelosi defended her innovation, declaring that "to allow Republicans to select who would represent their Party on the Jan 6 Committee would have thrown a monkey wrench into the process. They didn't let members of the Nazi Party participate in the investigation of Germany's war crimes during World War II and for good reason. The enemies of humanity aren't qualified to objectively assess the evidence against themselves. It was essential that the only Republicans who could be trusted to be on the committee were people who already acknowledged the guilt of Trump and his MAGA insurrectionists."

Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brushed aside Republican objections, saying that "the petty indiscretions of Ms. Willis do not absolve the insurrectionists from the enormity of their crimes. The extraordinary threat against our democracy posed by the MAGA extremists justifies the extraordinary actions that heroes like District Attorney Willis, Speaker Pelosi, and President Biden have taken on behalf of the American people."

In related news, undercover FBI agents helped Humzah Mashkoor, a developmentally challenged 18-year-old, to plan a trip to join the ISIS terror organization. He was arrested before he could board his flight to Dubai. FBI spokesman Ikan Nabum explained that "we could see that Mr. Mashkoor was a threat to national security from some of his social media posts. It was also clear that given his mental deficiencies he might never have done anything that would have justified taking him into custody. The little bit of assistance we gave him enabled us to log an arrest that might otherwise not have been possible."

Dr. Fauci Testifies About COVID

In testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this week Dr. Anthony Fauci dazzled the committee members with his arrogance and dissimulation.

In response to a question by committee chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) about the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)--a government agency that Fauci directed from 1984 to 2022--issuing grants for "gain-of-function" (i.e., how to make viruses more deadly) research on COVID, Fauci replied "I signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing any of the proposals. So, I have no specific knowledge concerning what type of research was funded."

Fauci went on to deny that he ever recommended masks or social distancing, saying "the notion that a piece of cloth across your face could stop a virus is nonsensical. Virus particles are smaller than the mesh of the fabric. Expecting these masks to protect you from viruses is like expecting a chain-link fence to keep mosquitoes out of your backyard. Likewise, there was no rational basis for the six-foot distance stickers and plastic barriers retailers were asked to install during the crisis. I would never have advised anything so foolish. I didn't oppose them because it is important for people's morale to feel they are doing something even if it is ineffectual."

Fauci also argued that his assertion that the vaccines were safe and effective "has been taken out of context. At the time that the vaccines became available the world was in the grip of a lockdown that was strangling the economy, driving small businesses into bankruptcy, retarding the education of minors, wrecking health care, and spurring mental depression that led to a spike in suicides. Compared to this devastation the toll taken by the vaccines rushed into widespread use was the lesser evil. It gave politicians the excuse they needed to reverse the greater disaster their lockdown orders had spawned."

"Despite a few missteps, I think there is no question that we are better off for having taken the actions we did than if we had stood by and let individuals and doctors pursue an undirected course of action," he added. "We achieved a degree of unity that would not have been reached had selfish individualism been allowed to prevail. The vast majority of the population followed the orders given to them by their government. Dissent was minimized. The well-being of the collective was sustained. America has been transformed."

Concealed Carry Decreases Crime

In 2022 Ohio became one of the 23 states that allow law-abiding individuals to to carry a firearm without a permit. Michael Weinman, of the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police, predicted that "allowing people without firearm training or a background check to go around carrying guns can only lead to more shootings."

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost asked the Center for Justice Research to do a before-and-after study to see if Weinman's fears were warranted. According to the study results, Parma, saw a 22% decrease in crimes involving firearms, Toledo and Akron saw an 18% decrease, and Columbus saw a 12% decrease. Cincinnati's firearm crime rate rose by 6% while Dayton's rose by 5%. Eight police officers in the state were killed in the 6 months before permit-less carry was allowed and eight were killed in the 18 months after.

"While the advocates for stronger gun control rules may find these results inconvenient, I find them reassuring," Yost said. "Criminals do not obey gun control laws. They flout them. Now that they know that more of their intended victims may also be armed more of their crimes have been deterred. Law-enforcement resources that were previously focused on impeding the self-defense of the law-abiding members of the community are now available to deploy against the law-breaking segment of the population."

In related news, State Attorneys General from 15 states have asked the Biden Administration's Office of Gun Violence Prevention to ban law-abiding citizens from purchasing 5.56-millimeter rounds manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. New York Attorney General Letitia James says "the ban is needed to prevent terrorist organizations like the NRA and MAGA from acquiring the kind of firepower that could be used to overthrow our democracy." The ban is not expected to prevent criminals or actual terrorists from illegally buying this firepower on the black market.

65% of Voters Say US Being Invaded

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows that 65% of voters said the situation at our southern border is an "invasion" from Mexico.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx) took aim at Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, saying "it's not that Mayorkas is bad at his job. It's that he is openly defying federal law. He is not trying to secure the border. He is instead trying to accelerate illegal immigration. He should be impeached."

Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) opposes impeachment "because Secretary Mayorkas is only doing what he must to try to ensure that the MAGA extremists don't seize power in the November election. Polls show that among those currently registered to vote Trump is leading President Biden. The relentless attacks against President Biden by the biased media have poisoned the minds of a majority of our citizens. We must bring in as many new voters as we can to offset Trump's advantage."

"Our only hope is to get these paroled migrants registered to vote so they can cast ballots in favor of President Biden in as many swing states as we can," Clarke said. "By law you must be a citizen to vote. However, federal law also says that those registering voters must take the person's word for it that he or she is a citizen. The Democratic Party will help these migrants get registered and fill out their ballots. Once these extra ballots give President Biden the winning margin anyone questioning his victory will be guilty of insurrection and put in jail. The non-citizens who lied to get registered to vote will be pardoned by the President and awarded the Medal of Freedom for helping save our democracy."

In related news, Mexican President Manuel López Obrador is demanding that Biden pay $20 billion for his help with immigration from his country to the United States. Biden is reported to have been incensed, saying that "he wants more than my entire family has gotten in bribes?" When it was explained to him that the money could come from the US Treasury and not his own personal stash, Biden warmed up to the idea.

Abortion Top Priority of 2nd Biden Term

Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks went on NBC's Meet the Press to reassure voters that "restoring every woman's right to abort her unwanted child that was granted by the Supreme Court in its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is President Biden's top priority. It is unfathomable that women today have less rights than their ancestors had years ago."

"Just the other day Vice-President Harris pointed out that preventing a prospective mother from aborting her child is a cruel act," Fulks said. "Not only does it go against the 13th Amendment's abolition of slavery, it also subjects the child to the resentment of the mother forced to give birth. In most cases this is a fate worse than the death that an abortion would rescue the child from having to experience."

Biden's former White House chief of staff Ron Klain predicted that "abortion is going to be the decisive issue in the 2024 campaign. The economy stinks. The threat of a third world war is worrying. But the prospect of having to give birth to a child you don't want scares the pants off most female voters. They see it as a 20-year sentence of bondage to the care of an unneeded human in an already overpopulated world. As the self-proclaimed 'most pro-life president in American history' Trump will earn their enmity and lose to the more compassionate and reliable guarantor of their basic rights--President Joe Biden."

First Lady Jill Biden emphasized that "there can be no compromise with those who oppose this essential freedom, no limitations on the timing of the abortion. It must be up until the child has emerged from the womb. And the rules must be the same in every part of America. No state can be permitted to impose its own limits. No taxpayer can be allowed to escape their responsibility to help pay for this essential health care."

In related news, abortion continues to be the world's number one cause of death for humans. In the just completed year 2023 abortion killed 44.6 million human beings. This dwarfed other major causes of death (communicable diseases killed 12.9 million, cancer killed 8.2 million, smoking killed 4.9 million, alcohol killed 2.4 million, HIV/AIDS killed 1.6 million, traffic crashes killed 1.3 million, and 1 million committed suicide) by a wide margin.

NY Gov's Plan to End Shoplifting

Declaring that shoplifting is out-of-control, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) has asked the state legislature to outlaw retail shops. "As long as there are shops where people can steal merchandise there will be shoplifting," she declared. "So, if we want to get to the root of the problem we must get rid of the shops."

In their place Hochul proposes to establish a state-owned and operated merchandise distribution system. "This system will determine each individual's needs and allocate items sufficient to meet those needs," she announced. "Private possession of money will be banned, as will the exchange of money for goods and services. There will be no money to grub. Profiteering will be impossible. Greed will be abolished. There will be no need for anyone to steal anything. Everything anyone needs will simply be provided to them by the government."

Former First Lady Michelle Obama hailed Hochul's plan "as the embodiment of Barrack's vision for the transformation of this country. It will put an end to those who complain that the government doesn't do anything for them because once Gov. Hochul's plan is implemented the government will be the only institution that can do everything for everyone. Harmony will replace haggling. Everyone will be collectively responsible to everyone. No one will be outside the collective. America will enjoy the total unity that the country's founding fathers thwarted by choosing liberty over solidarity."