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The FBI -- the Dog That Turned on Its Master


January 12, 2024
The FBI -- the Dog That Turned on Its Master
By John Green

Feedback is a fundamental principle of control theory. All systems, regardless of whether they’re technical or social, require negative feedback to maintain predictability and stability. System actions which deviate from those desired must trigger a response which counteracts (rather than reinforces) the deviation. When an automobile begins to accelerate, the cruise control applies negative feedback by reducing the throttle to maintain control. Were it to do otherwise, the car’s behavior would be unpredictable or even catastrophic.

The same principle applies to people. Accountability for one’s actions maintains the predictability of human behavior. When one is punished for breaking the rules, the likelihood of future infractions is reduced. If a child is punished for anti-social behavior and rewarded for teamwork, a productive contributor to society is developed. If a child receives little or no feedback about his behavior, a person with no sense of right or wrong is created. If a child is rewarded for bad behavior, a monster destined to prey on society is created. The penalties that accompany laws are the negative feedback that prevents our society from doing a “Thelma and Louise” -- socially speaking.

In 1908, in response to rising organized crime, the federal government decided that additional accountability was warranted. It created a watchdog called the Bureau of Investigation (which later became the FBI). Given the sweeping police powers of the watchdog, its agents receive training about the limits of their authority, and are required to swear a sacred oath to those they serve that they will not abuse their authority.


What was once was a proud and prestigious agency has become the American version of the Merrick Garland's Gestapo.


Rob Rholiman
I'm a former FBI agent.  I hired on in 1988.  To me, it's easy to trace back when it started.  In 1994, the FBI was forced by the Clinton White House to admit eight special agent trainees who had failed their backgrounds.  I was assigned to Quantico that summer.  The word was they were politically connected and to not fail them, for anything.

They barely even mingled with other other agents and were in their own special class of eight, instead of the standard fifty agent class.  Mainly to keep regular agent trainees from seeing how they were being coddled.

That started happening more and more, and then standards immediately started getting lowered.  For example the old physical training test used to be a lot harder than the one they have now and lots of things, like cocaine use that used to  be a disqualified, started being allowed.

More and more of these people began to get  put into the FBI.  And, they were all on the fast track program.  They couldn't do much damage as GS-10's, 11's and 12's.  But, now they are in the GS-15 and SES ranks.  That's how you got people like McCabe and Strzok in the Bureau in the first place who were willing to use the power of the FBI to interfere in elections.

And, then you had Comey, who really wanted to be more of a power player in Washington DC than he was, come in to supervise these people.  And, it was that simple to turn the FBI from a law enforcement agency into the political police.  And, it's pretty obvious at this point, that the FBI wasn't the only place that this was happening.

And, the DOJ has always had a large political element and been used to reward loyal party members with jobs.  But, you have a lot of left wingers who have taken that over, too.  I don't even call them Democrats.  They are much farther to the left than mainstream Democrats are.   And, they are the ones pushing this two tiered lawfare program to win elections.
8:14 AM · May 25, 2024


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