General Category > Archaeology

Huge ancient lost city found in the Amazon

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Smokin Joe:
I have little doubt that prior civilizations rose and fell, lost to the mists of legend or faded completely out of memory.

I expect the largest pre-Ice Age and contemporaneous cities are under water, flooded when sea levels rose during and after the thaw, most likely in the tropical latitudes.

Proving it is another matter. I want to see the evidence.

A water well driller I knew claimed to have pulled up a piece of brass while drilling a water well through glacial till here in ND, which would have made it over 12,000 years old (Pre-Clovis) if it actually came from below the Laurentide Ice Sheet till layer.

I never saw the piece, and as far as I know it is lost.

It would have been interesting to see if it was relatively modern junk that fell down the hole as it was being drilled, plucked from a shallow sidewall, or truly an anachronistic discovery. :shrug:

But, as with all else in science, for every question answered, more are raised.

The more we learn, the less we know.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on January 16, 2024, 12:09:32 am ---I have little doubt that prior civilizations rose and fell, lost to the mists of legend or faded completely out of memory.

Proving it is another matter. I want to see the evidence.

A water well driller I knew claimed to have pulled up a piece of brass while drilling a water well through glacial till here, which would have made it over 12,000 years old (Pre-Clovis) if it came from below the Laurentide Ice Sheet till layer.
I never saw the piece, and as far as I know it is lost.

It would have been interesting to see if it was relatively modern junk that fell down the hole as it was being drilled, plucked from a shallow sidewall, or truly an anachronistic discovery. :shrug:

But, as with all else in science, for every question answered, more are raised.

The more we learn, the less we know.

--- End quote ---

The stuff that gets me is the stuff they bust out of coal deposits.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: roamer_1 on January 16, 2024, 12:11:39 am ---The stuff that gets me is the stuff they bust out of coal deposits.

--- End quote ---
I have seen some claims, but would like to examine the material.

The question is one of if someone was mining the coal before that shaft collapsed, to be mined later, and introduced artifacts to the seam. Even that could have been long ago.

I suspect there is more in Heaven and Earth than is dreamed of in man's philosophies, to paraphrase Hamlet.

One day we'll know.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on January 16, 2024, 12:15:55 am ---I have seen some claims, but would like to examine the material.

The question is one of if someone was mining the coal before that shaft collapsed, to be mined later, and introduced artifacts to the seam. Even that could have been long ago.

I suspect there is more in Heaven and Earth than is dreamed of in man's philosophies, to paraphrase Hamlet.

One day we'll know.

--- End quote ---

Sure... but pretty hard to fake when they break it out of a lump, and the imression is right there in the deposit it came from. Beautiful silverwork, delicate chains, coins in a strange language... pretty kewl.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: roamer_1 on January 16, 2024, 12:18:27 am ---Sure... but pretty hard to fake when they break it out of a lump, and the imression is right there in the deposit it came from. Beautiful silverwork, delicate chains, coins in a strange language... pretty kewl.

--- End quote ---
Do you have a link to any of that?


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