Author Topic: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips  (Read 1079 times)

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Offline sneakypete

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Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« on: January 12, 2024, 11:08:40 am »
This one is tricky if you live alone because it creates confusion and loss of memory,and there is no one around to notice the changes and suggest you get help.

Truthfully,I can't remember when or how it started. Or even how long  it has been going on. All I can really tell you is that somehow,due to luck more than anything else,I started to come out of the "fog of confusion" and my short-term memory began to start to function again

The prime symptoms I noticed were a severe lack of appetite that had me forcing myself to eat a little because a little bit of food was all I could force down. Even then,I was only able to eat things like soup and was lucky to be able to eat a whole can. Most would end up getting poured down the drain because I would be full by the time I ate half a can. I would put saltine crackers in with the soup to add the salt and solidity that I felt I needed. The immediate result would be diarrhea that would come in sudden bursts. Sometimes I would have to run to the toilet again maybe 10 minutes after leaving it and thinking I was done.

Sometimes I couldn't even eat the soup,and would eat a few saltine crackers to fill up on.

For some odd reason I don't seem to have lost a pound,but my pants that used to be tight now fall off. I ended up having to punch new holes in my belt in order to keep them up. Still haven't figured this out out.

The confusion was/is unbelievable. I got to the point where the only way I could get anything done was to put it in an alarm on my cell phone because taking notes just wouldn't work because I would forget to read them. Or even where I put them.

When the alarm on my sell phone went off,I had to respond immediately or I would forget right after shutting it off. Sometimes I didn't remember long enough to respond after the alarm was shut off. This is NOT a "fun feeling",especially if you live alone and there is no one to remind you.

I would also fall asleep and sleep like a log with no warning. Even while watching an interesting tv show. Generally,I would wake up 2 to 6 hours later and then not be able to get back to sleep until I fell asleep once again with no warning a few hours later.

I had zero control over any of it.

I eventually became aware that this was a problem that wasn't going to go away,and went to a local clinic to see if I get some sort of treatment other than a bed at "The State Farm for Fools". They ran blood tests and called me the next day and told me I have Anemia and that they had already made an appointment for me at a clinic at the hospital.

This was yesterday afternoon,and IF I made a "reminder note" on my computer,phone,or scratch pad,I have no idea where it is because I can't find it,so I am going to have to call the clinic when they open this morning.

Ok,just happened to remember where the note was and found it. I have no appointment,but am supposed to call the cancer clinic that treated me for Stage 4 Lymphoma this morning to make an appointment for tests. Not likely to lose the note again because it is hooked to the rear of my cell phone case by the belt clip,and my phone gives an alarm at 9 AM and PM for me to take my meds.

Yes,my current short-term  memory really IS that bad,thanks to whatever is going on with me now.

The fact that the clinic I went to was a GP clinic and they immediately tied my anemia to my cancer is a little scary. I was told a couple of years ago that I had incurable Stage 4 Lymphoma (I am a VN Agent Orange Vet) and there was nothing more they could do to treat me unless I was willing to take an experimental  pill not yet approved by the FDA. I started taking them,and 3 weeks later tested negative for cancer at my next PET or CAT Scan. Still taking the pills,but now it is starting to sound like the cancer may have returned or why else would this other clinic immediately  associate the problems I am having now with the cancer that went away a couple of years ago?

Anyhow,I guess I will find out  after I make and attend an appointment at the cancer clinic.

BTW,it was a big relief to get this news because I was thinking I was losing my mind,and that is something that can not be "fixed".

I will try to remember to update this thread as I learn new information about what caused it,if it can be treated,and what the treatment is to maybe help any of you who are going though similar things,or know someone who is.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 11:13:19 am by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2024, 11:15:52 am »
BTW,is there anyway I can be sure I will  be able to find this topic again once I turn my computer off?

I  am asking because I am certain I will forget the topic title within minutes of shutting the computer down.

If any of you  know the answer to this question,a PM would sure be appreciated.
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Offline GtHawk

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2024, 07:10:13 pm »
Pete, I know we have butted heads at times but that in now diminishes my respect for you and what you have done, nor does it in anyway minimize my concern for you. I know you are an agnostic? But I am still praying for you and hope that what ails you is not what you fear. Be well and get well, as I have said before we need all our curmudgeons!  :0001: :0001: :0001: :0001: Prayers sent your way. :beer:

Offline Ghost Bear

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2024, 08:06:43 pm »
BTW,is there anyway I can be sure I will  be able to find this topic again once I turn my computer off?

I  am asking because I am certain I will forget the topic title within minutes of shutting the computer down.

If any of you  know the answer to this question,a PM would sure be appreciated.

hi @sneakypete , to find things you have posted click the "Profile" link above, then "Summary". That will take you to your profile page. Under your picture there should be a link for "Show Posts".  That link takes you to a page listing your recent posts and comments.

Good luck, and although I know you don't believe in them I'll say a prayer for you.
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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2024, 08:26:30 pm »
BTW,is there anyway I can be sure I will  be able to find this topic again once I turn my computer off?

I  am asking because I am certain I will forget the topic title within minutes of shutting the computer down.

If any of you  know the answer to this question,a PM would sure be appreciated.

Go to "Mentions" and follow this ping, @sneakypete
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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2024, 10:14:59 pm »
Pete, I know we have butted heads at times but that in now diminishes my respect for you and what you have done, nor does it in anyway minimize my concern for you. I know you are an agnostic? But I am still praying for you and hope that what ails you is not what you fear. Be well and get well, as I have said before we need all our curmudgeons!  :0001: :0001: :0001: :0001: Prayers sent your way. :beer:


Yes,I am Agnostic,and I  thank you for your concern.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2024, 10:15:55 pm »
hi @sneakypete , to find things you have posted click the "Profile" link above, then "Summary". That will take you to your profile page. Under your picture there should be a link for "Show Posts".  That link takes you to a page listing your recent posts and comments.

Good luck, and although I know you don't believe in them I'll say a prayer for you.

@Ghost Bear

Thank you.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2024, 10:17:16 pm »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2024, 11:00:24 pm »
I got nothin @sneakypete ... If you've lost your shit, there it is.

But this don't sound quite that bad. And never you mind that the cancer guys got the ball. That might mean something, but it might be that they get the ball because it's them that are jamming your deal, and them that should have known and caught this... so they catch the pass to clean up their mess.

In my case, still all this time later, Heart and Lung still has the ball. Because it's mostly their meds I'm dealing with... Since you're on an experimental drug, there's probably a flag on all plays, and it's their flag. So don't stress the cancer thing till you have to.

The major thing would be to fix your belly so you can eat. If you can't eat and you're squirting out what little you do eat, that's why anemia, and prolly all your salts and electrolytes are way off too... All that sort of stuff goes away hard and fast when you get the long term shits.

they should be able to give you a hard ball Prilosec over the phone to settle your belly some, and you should respond quickly to iron supplements once you can intake them... Certainly yogurt and any ferment (kraut, kimchi, etc) to fix your guts and straighten that out... lean on Gatorade a while to get electrolytes and salt where you can get it...  And high iron would be red meat and proper southern greens... turnip greens are prolly available down there year around. But get your belly flying right, and the rest of this will tamp down.

And lastly, for losing your shit... I use the crap outta Giggles... er the Google AI found in android phones. You might have different... but I just talk to the phone to set reminders, appointments, hell, even my grocery list. I've made a sundry list too, for kinda important stuff that I get reminded to mind every thirty days.  My point being that I am more forgetful than I like to let on... and it's Giggles that I lean on to get by.

Hope something in all that helps. And of course, I'm praying for you.  happy77 :beer:

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Anemia,sympthoms and hopefully,treatment tips
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2024, 11:38:48 pm »
I got nothin @sneakypete ... If you've lost your shit, there it is.

But this don't sound quite that bad. And never you mind that the cancer guys got the ball. That might mean something, but it might be that they get the ball because it's them that are jamming your deal, and them that should have known and caught this... so they catch the pass to clean up their mess.

In my case, still all this time later, Heart and Lung still has the ball. Because it's mostly their meds I'm dealing with... Since you're on an experimental drug, there's probably a flag on all plays, and it's their flag. So don't stress the cancer thing till you have to.

The major thing would be to fix your belly so you can eat. If you can't eat and you're squirting out what little you do eat, that's why anemia, and prolly all your salts and electrolytes are way off too... All that sort of stuff goes away hard and fast when you get the long term shits.

they should be able to give you a hard ball Prilosec over the phone to settle your belly some, and you should respond quickly to iron supplements once you can intake them... Certainly yogurt and any ferment (kraut, kimchi, etc) to fix your guts and straighten that out... lean on Gatorade a while to get electrolytes and salt where you can get it...  And high iron would be red meat and proper southern greens... turnip greens are prolly available down there year around. But get your belly flying right, and the rest of this will tamp down.

And lastly, for losing your shit... I use the crap outta Giggles... er the Google AI found in android phones. You might have different... but I just talk to the phone to set reminders, appointments, hell, even my grocery list. I've made a sundry list too, for kinda important stuff that I get reminded to mind every thirty days.  My point being that I am more forgetful than I like to let on... and it's Giggles that I lean on to get by.

Hope something in all that helps. And of course, I'm praying for you.  happy77 :beer:


I am more amused than stressed. I am 77 years old and never expected to live to see 25. It came as a serious shock to me when it happened,and I wondered "WTF have I been doing wrong?"

Maybe I  made  a mistake by quitting drugs and alcohol in my early 30's? Didn't really do it to live longer,though. Mostly did it because I was turning into a mean drunk and getting violent when it was not absolutely necessary. Didn't like to see that sort of thing when other people did it,and didn't think it was any more charming when I did it.

I am not really in any REAL pain,so I am more amused and curious than anything. After all,it ain't like I am going to "hit 80 and start all over again."

Do NOT get me wrong. I AM going to do whatever I have to do to TRY to eliminate  what little pain I have now,and to get better.

If not,I will just roll with the punches  and take it as it comes,just like everybody  else. Given my expected life expectancy and my current age,I damn sure don't have anything to whine about.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!