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Lawmakers: Anthony Fauci Admitted Six-Foot Social Distancing Was Based on Nothing

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Lawmakers: Anthony Fauci Admitted Six-Foot Social Distancing Was Based on Nothing

Hannah Bleau Knudsen 10 Jan 2024

Dr. Anthony Fauci completed the second day of his closed-door grilling with members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, in which he reportedly admitted that the six-foot social distancing rule that emerged at the start of the coronavirus pandemic was actually based on nothing.

The committee, led by chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), provided a brief recap of Tuesday’s session. Monday and Tuesday’s sessions totaled 14 hours, according to lawmakers. In Tuesday’s session, Fauci admitted that the six-foot social distancing recommendation “was likely not based on any data,” according to the committee.

“It just sort of appeared,” it wrote, quoting Fauci.

“Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab-leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory,” the committee revealed, providing highlights.

“This comes nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous ‘Proximal Origin’ paper that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab-leak hypothesis,” it continued, noting that Fauci also admitted that vaccine mandates could “increase vaccine hesitancy in the future.”

Despite that, the committee revealed that Fauci “advised American universities to impose vaccine mandates on their students.”


Same with masks, as it turns out.
--- Quote ---Jane Hughes,MD
This highlights the abject failure of public education regarding basic physiologic truths. Masks make respiration more difficult. If you are already having trouble breathing a mask is doubly impactful. Masks do not prevent viral spread. They have side effects which are undesirable.
11:45 PM · Jan 10, 2024

It wasn't failure. In the US, the federal OSHA website **removed** years of research citations, corresponding studies regulations & guidance on the health risks of masks in the workplace. links in to the OSHA sites & occ health journals also were removed.
7:51 AM · Jan 11, 2024

They intentionally hid decades of knowledge. They intentionally told people that lower o2 required hospitalization and then they made people lower their own o2 sat
8:00 AM · Jan 11, 2024

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The above were responses to a comment by Naomi Wolf - @naomirwolf - about her experience on a flight where an asthmatic child wearing a mask had considerable difficulty breathing.
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The mere fact that this little Syringe Gnome isn't rotting in a federal prison the rest of his miserable life, is living breathing truth there is no level of structural justice in this nation.

Until we do some vigilante  18th/19th century like feather/rail/tar applications, we are screwed. Mostly, because our judical and DC slugs won't hold anyone accountable.

It was all lies. Raw power replaced science. And few resisted. Those that did were labeled anti-science kooks.


--- Quote from: DB on January 11, 2024, 02:41:45 pm ---It was all lies. Raw power replaced science. And few resisted. Those that did were labeled anti-science kooks.

--- End quote ---

In the past, matters of public health trumped any partisan or slanted political bounds. Peoples lives were held sacred.    Fauxci is that despicable, and his freedom is a slap in the face of every American and human on the planet for that matter,  who has been adversely impacted by this shit show.


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